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luna x belly

*ੈ ‧₊˚ ————— Laurel was not impressed when she stepped into her daughters room at the beach house. Not only was her daughter sleeping on the floor, arms and legs tangled with Lunas, she wasn't wearing a shirt and Belly always wore baggy shirts to bed.

      ( she could see her bare shoulders, poor Laurel ... )

Picking up the closest shirt she saw, she tossed it towards her daughter. The clothing landing on her face and causing the dark haired girl to blink awake.


"Get dressed. And wake Luna up, now." Laurel didn't say anything else before she turned away and left the room. She wasn't going to just stand there and wait for her daughter and Luna to get dressed, she could take a breather outside the room and then come back and have a talk she was dreading.

Belly grabbed the shirt that her mother had tossed her way, it was one of Lunas. She didn't care, pulling it over her head and letting it rest loosely on her body. It smelt like Luna, and Belly loved that.

"Bells?" Luna whispered, keeping her eyes closed as she blindly reached out for the girl she had spent the night with. "Why are you moving."

"My mom is here." Belly's voice was full of panic and it made Luna blink herself awake. "She saw us; we need to get dressed."

Luna practically jumped up, bring the blanket with her and wrapping it around her naked body. She was quick to grab her scattered clothing, turning and dressing herself in the clothing that smelt like alcohol and a wild party — however that worked.

"Why is your mom here, Bells?" Luna tilted her head sideways, looking between the door she knew Laurel stood behind and the girl she wanted to reach for. "Bell?"

"I called her after you fell sleep." Belly confessed, eyes cast downwards, believing that if she looked up she'd come face to face with another person she disappointed.

"It's good she's here, she can put Connie in his place." Luna admitted, smiling sheepishly as she stepped towards the door. Wrapping her hand around the handle, she twisted and pulled the door open, revealing Laurel who leaned against the wall. "Laurel! What a pleasure, come on in."

"Belly, pack your stuff. We're leaving." Laurel spoke harshly, left hand fiddling with the bracelet wrapped around her right wrist. "And Luna, your mother would be ashamed."

Belly blinked away the shock that had washed over her features. She wasn't happy with what her mom had just said. No one would be happy with what was spoken. "Mom!"

"Laur, please don't say that." Luna sniffled, tears blurring her vision. Her chest hurt with a pain she hated. "Please."

"No Luna, you don't get to get off free here." Laurels words were harsh and fast, practically sending daggers into Lunas heart. "This is your fault too. If you weren't such a bad influence on Belly, she wouldn't be here. And let me guess, it was your idea to throw the party?"

Luna can feel the tears streaming down her cheeks. Was she a bad influence? She's never thought so. Why was Laurel acting the way she was? What all did Belly say in their phone call. Luna didn't answer and instead looked towards her feet where the junior - junior mint with pink glasses laid.

"It was my idea to throw the party, mom." Belly confessed, standing tall and not backing down.

Laurel took a step back, completely shocked by what she was hearing. Who was her daughter now, and what had happened to the girl she was before. Throwing parties, lying to her for days, the list continues.

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