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luna x belly

*ੈ ‧₊˚ ————— "Did you know about this?" Luna whirled around, her shaking hand pointed towards Skye. Luna was trying to replay it all in her head, why this could have happened. "Did you?!"

Skye shook their head side to side, eyes wide with a whole bunch of emotions. "No, no. I promise, Luna."

Luna didn't believe her cousin. She knew that it was her aunt Julia who had completed the action well they were away. In that moment she vowed she would never trust her aunt again. Not now, nor would she ever. This kind of thing, crashing her whole world, was beyond the point of unforgivable.

"Skye didn't know," Julia spoke from where she stood in the empty kitchen. "I didn't want them to know."

"What the actual fuck, Julia." Both Conrad and Luna spoke in sync, their words mixed in with each others and they stood together. Bodies tense as they faced off with their aunt.

"I'm sorry. This must be such a shock. I spoke to your father this afternoon, and - and he and I decided that it would be best not to drag this out any longer than necessary." Julia spoke, leaning against the island with her coat in hand. She was trying to avoid eye contact with any of the children, especially Luna who looked a little too much like Susannah as a child.

"I don't give a shit what the two of you decided on. You had no right to touch anything in this house. Those were her things." Conrad spoke in a loud voice, waving his arm around and narrowing his eyes at the woman standing in front of him. He was furious, a step away from tipping the head off his aunt.

"Breath, man. Okay?" Steven quickly placed his arm on Conrads shoulder, the action causing him to pause and look over at the eldest Conklin child.

Julia shook her head and used her hands to make gestures that went with what she said. Of course, she wasn't doing it as well as Conrad or Luna. "Everything's in storage. I made sure that everyone was very careful with every singe thing. I'm just doing what I have to do to sell this house."

"You could have said something — anything! You could have warned us. All you want to do, Julia, is fight our mom." Luna snapped, tears streaming down her face. She forced the words out, taking a step closer to her aunt. She would have thrown herself at her aunt if it wasn't for Belly who had grabbed her hand and kept her tied to someone else. "You're glad she's gone, aren't you?"

"Enough." Julia snapped, her eyes focused on Luna but her words were directed to everyone else in the house. "You are not the only one hurting. And I'm not the one you should be angry with. Your mother could have warned you —"

"I'm sorry she was too busy dying and couldn't tell us what would happen." Luna whispered underneath her breath, only everyone heard her interrupt Julia.

Conrad nodded, "I'm sorry her death was such an inconvenience for you. I know it sucks out grandfather loved her more than you, but I'm not surprised."

Conrad turned on his heel, leaving the front door of the beach house wide open with Steven following behind him.

"Truth hurts." Jeremiah muttered before he to turned on his heal, reaching for his sisters hand and pulling her out of the house with him.

*ੈ ‧₊˚ ————— "Izzy, please." Luna turned towards her best friend. She had teary eyes and was clutching a teddy in her arms, a junior - junior mint with pink glasses. "Your parents are gone."

Izzy sighed, but she knew Luna was right. The beach house her parents owned was empty besides for Mary and Izzy. There was enough room for everyone to fit, for everyone to sleep on a mattress with a blanket covering them. "Lulu." Izzy blinked, looking down at her feet. She wasn't sure if she should say yes, getting in between the mess of another family was always a game she never wanted to play.

"Izzy, I promise we'll be careful and respectful. We have no where else to go." Luna pleaded, stepping towards her best friend with a tilt of her head.

"Yeah, okay. Let me call Mary and see." Mary was Izzy's older sister, and she was against having people in her family's beach house.

And so that's how they ended up in Izzys and Marys beach house only a five minute drive away. The house was large, big enough that it fit all of the kids that needed a place to stay.

"Hey, Mary." Luna looked towards the girl who smiled as she looked away from the friendship bracelet that she was teaching Taylor and Skye how to make.

"Yeah, Lu?" Mary was the same age as Jeremiah, having graduated from high school this recent year. It was her first summer before she went off to some pretty big school where she would get some fancy degree. Between Luna, Izzy and Mary; Mary had a small crush on Conrad well Mary had one for Jeremiah. "Lu ... ?"

Luna shook her head which rid herself of the daydreams that has washed over them, "Can I order a pizza? I'll pay but I just need the address and Izzy walked way to far away from me to ask her."

Izzy was in her bedroom, digging around for the weed that she had hidden somewhere when she arrived to the beach house. Taylor had watched a video on her tiktok of someone using an apple as a bong and real wanted to try doing it.

"Sure, it's on the chalk board beside the front door. Theres twenty bucks on the counter, if you wanna use that as my chip in -- only if you get a desert." Mary grinned before she went back to twisting the string into a design.

When the pizza arrived, the group sat around the living room in one big circle. Sitting on mattress that they had pulled from all the bedrooms and pushed together in the large living room. They were going to play truth and dare, for some odd reason. ( It wasn't that odd, but it was Skye who surprised them by asking if it was something the group wanted to play. ) It had really started off simple, with Taylor daring Steven to use the apple she and Izzy had made a bong out of.

"Okay, so Izzy, truth or dare." Sky questioned, looking towards the blond haired girl who looked a little panicked that her name had said so early in the game. When Izzy had picked dare, Skye used their mad detective skills and the not so hidden glances to pick the dare. "Izzy, I dare you to kiss Conrad."

It was like the room froze, and everyone turned their head towards Izzy. With all eyes on her, Izzy moved towards Conrad until she was right in front of him. She didn't say anything, but the look in her eyes that Luna was able to catch said plenty.

Conrad and Izzy leant towards each other, lips pressing together.

Luna gasped, clapping her hands together. "Go bestie!"

The room erupted into a fit of laughter and in that moment, Luna and everyone else had momentarily forgotten all about the beach house and the death of Susannah. It was peaceful.

What they didn't know was that Julia had just gotten off the phone with her realtor, officially accepting an offer on the beach house.

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