Chapter 1: Why are some kids stalking a Red Head?

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Ethan did not exactly want to move to Indiana due to the fact that a lot of people are racist or/and stupid, but he had to because his only living relative lives in Indiana for some weird reason, though he wouldn't ask that as his uncle was... was sensitive on why he moved here from southern Italy, maybe it was due to the area he was living in was super poor or he wanted to live in a super boring and racist place but- 

"Aye kid, were here"

 "We are? it was only like 20 minutes" 

"No kid it was an hour "

. I looked at him  and shrugged I guess I was in my head for a long time but anyways, as I looked at his house it... was... a small house, the color of the house was a dark blue.

I was just about to get my stuff but my uncle(His names Francesco) grabbed it for me instead and said "I'll get your stuff for you kid"

I shrugged and walked towards the door and opened it. The insides of the house were also painted a dark blue, seriously, why the hell is it the same color as the outside of the house, I'll ask him 'bout this once I have the cha-

"Hey kid, I also have a pool too, so if you ever want to go swimming, you ca-"

"Why is the inside of the house the same color as the outside of the house? Also, I thought you weren't rich enough to own a pool? also why did you move here?" Well shit, I knew he was sensi-

"Well it was like that when I bought the house, I had enough money to keep the pool, and why I moved here was because I wanted to a change of scenery and I only had enough money to move here and theres not much happening here so that I moved here" He said. I looked confused, why would someone ever move to a place that has nothing going on? I looked at him confused, he didn't see my look.

"Can I go to the arcade?" I asked. I wanted to play Space Invader(Which I was amazing at),  Centipede, and Tetris(which I was shit at)

"Sure, do you nee-" 

"No thanks" I said cutting him off.


I looked at the front of my new school, did I want to go to school: Yes. Was I mentally ready: Hell no. But I had to go to school because... well I had to. As I opened the doors to the school. I walked to my homeroom, the homeroom teacher's name is Mr. Clarke, he was the science teacher and somehow I knew he had some fans but definitely very few. As I opened the door everyone turned their eyes to look at me. They're bored faces becoming interested once I opened the door, a pair of blackhole eyes stared at me, they quickly turned away.

"Oh there's our other new student! Everyone welcome all the way from beautiful Italy, the even latest passenger to join us on our curiosity voyage, Ethan De Lucca!" Mr. Clarke exclaimed. "You can sit next to Mike Wheeler, Mike Wheeler raise your hand so Ethan can find his seat" Mr. Clarke said.

I looked at the kid who raised his hand, it was the boy with blackhole eyes, he had fluffy black hair. Once I got to my seat, the kid who I was sitting next to or Mike as that was his name kept sneaking glances at me but he was probably analyzing me so I ignored him until he asked me "Have you been to the arcade yet?"  I looked at him weirdly, and said "Yeaahhh, why?" I asked questionably. 

"Oh, no reas-" He tried to speak before I cut him off.

"There's always a reason on why someone asks someone else, so spill it, why do you want to know if I had been to the arcade yet?" I asked.

He looked like he was debating in his head on what he should do, lie or tell the truth. "Okay, someone beat my friends high score on Centipede and the same person also has the top high score on Space Invaders too and I thought that it was you because your from Italy and the name of that person was Paranoid Italian, so is Paranoid Italian you?" He explained. I knew he was telling the truth as I was practically a lie detector that was untrickable.

Paranoid Italian(Mike Wheeler x Male OC)(Old Version)Where stories live. Discover now