Chapter 3: Definitely not a Pollywog or a new species

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Ethan woke up, he rubbed his eyes and walked upstairs, they were having breakfast, and they were nearly done too. Well this was awkward Mike's family had all their eyes turned to him and he just stared back, maybe he should just stop staring back and go get his breakfast but that wouldn't be disrespectful, wait he should say hello

"Hello" I said in the weirdest voice on accident. As I walked towards my seat I just felt uncomfortable, I felt all their gazes on me and it made me uncomfortable as he ate his breakfast, which was salad, he still felt their gazes on him, why do they keep staring at me?! Is it because I'm eating a salad for breakfast and not pancakes and bacon. I quickly finished the salad which was delicious by the way. "Thanks Mrs. Wheeler for the salad" "You can call me Ethan than Karen" I smiled back. I ran downstairs into the basement no longer wanted their gazes on him. As I got ready for school. Mike walked downstairs to follow his new friend to say sorry for his family's gazes on him and not their food. "Umm... I'm sorry fo-" Mike got yet again cut off by Ethan "Why are you trying to apologizing when your family was staring at me and not their food unless I am their food" I say, hearing Mike snickering at the end of my sentence.

"Mike" I said. "Yeah, Ethan?" He replied.

"Y'know you don't have to hate Max so much, she just wants to have friends and you hate her for for that! She's not going to replace El,  she just wants friends so just let her have friends, Mike" I said.

"You don't even know El!" Mike yelled back at me in a angry tone. 

"So? She just wants friends to be with us so let her be" I said back. He turned to look away from me to think I'm guessing.


[Mr. Clarke] "The case of Phineas Gage is one of the great medical curiosities of all time. Phineas was a railroad worker in 1848 who had a nightmarish accident. A large iron rod was driven completely through his head. Phineas miraculously survived. He seem fine. And physically, yes, he was" I was interested about this although I already have read about this. "But his injury resulted in a complete change to his personality. So much so that friends that new him started referring to him as 'No longer Gage'. At the time, this was known as the American Crowbar Case. Although it wasn't a-" Dustin suddenly busted through the door. "I am so sorry, Mr. Clarke." Dustin said while panting. Everyone turned to look at Dustin, everyone( except for Mike and his group) seemed thankful as Dustin had wasted class time. "Really, I'm so sorry. Please continue with the class." Dustin continued while still panting. Let me guess, he's going to tell us to meet him at a place in the school after class. At this I just started to ignore Mr. Clarke. "We have to meet at. All of us. including Ethan. At lunch, AV Club" Dustin said softly. "Why?" Mike asks. "I have something you won't believe" Dustin answers. After that I full ignored everything going on in that class hearing "Yes, my lord" From Dustin a minute later which probably makes the AV Club Mr. Clarkes followers. I suddenly felt Mike grab my wrist as some how we have every single class together today.


We entered the AV Club room. "Why does Max ha-" Mike started before getting cut off by me for like the 100th time. "Just deal with it, its Dustin's call, so he choses, if thats how it works". Mike just grumbles angrily. Dustin opens his contraption thingy, we all look whats in it, the second I saw that thing, I felt like I was going to pass out or puke, I also got super deadly vibes from that thing so I just looked away. That thing looked like a pollywog but not. 

"His name is d'Artagnan" Dustin says. Seriously, he name that ugly shit! Dustin put his hands in the contraption and picked the ugly shit out of it.

"Cute, right?" Dustin says. I mutter a 'hell no' and thankfully no one heard me on that.

"I'm not holding that by the way" I told Dustin and he shrugged.

"Dart for short" Dustin said. I felt like a missed someone saying something.

Paranoid Italian(Mike Wheeler x Male OC)(Old Version)Where stories live. Discover now