Chapter 1: Russians in Star Court? (including episodes 2,3, and 4)

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Mike sat in front of me, leaning over to kiss me like always, Wait, aren't we going to see a movie soon?

"Mike, lets not be late for the  movie" I said stopping Mike form kissing me.

"Come on" Mike whined. Seriously, all he wants to do is Make out, we also have to hang out with our friends.

"Komm schon, ihr Turteltauben!(Come on, you lovebirds)" Florian yelled.

"I don't speak German!" Mike yelled back.

"He yelled at us to get in his car so we can go see the movie" I explained.

"We still have a lot of time" Mike whined. 

"Yeah, But we'll have to walk there if we don't take Florian's ride, and I don't feel like running" I said. Mike whined.

"So let's go" I said to Mike. We got up and ran towards Florian's car.

"What do you so long?" Florian asked in his thick German accent. Mike and I didn't answer.

"You realize do to you turteltauben, we might be late!" Florian yelled.


We made it to Starcourt. As we made our way inside, Florian walked off in another direction while we made our way.

"You're late" Lucas said.

"Sorry" Mike said.

"It was our fault" I said.

"Again" Lucas finished.

"We're gonna miss the opening" Will complained.

"Yeah, if you keep whining about it. Let's go" Mike shot back. I quickly ran towards the theatre.

"Let me guess. You were busy" Lucas said smacking his lips.

"Be quiet Lucas, at least we haven't broken up like 50 times" I replied.

"Yeah, because we have an unbreakable relationship. Also, real mature, Lucas" Mike replied. I agreed with that but Mike shouldn't be talking though.

"Oh, Ethan, I wish we could make out forever, and never hang out with any of our friends" Lucas said in a weird voice.

"Y'know Lucas, it's called having an unbreakable love, something you've never had" I shot back. Will laughed at that. "But that doesn't mean I don't agree with what you said about Mike not wanting to hang out with you guys, I just didn't like the way you said it" I finished.

"Lucas, stop" Max said.

"Will thinks it funny" Lucas said. I don't agree.

"Because it is" Will said.

"Yeah, it's so funny that I want to spend romantic time with my boyfriend" Mike said.

"Yeah, but we also have to hang out with our friends, Mike" I replied. No one heard me, like always

"I'm spending romantic time with my girlfriend" Lucas shot back.

"Those are two different things!" Mike shot back.

"So? I don't spend romantic time with my girlfriend making out!" Lucas said.

"Romantic time with a lover is usually doing something you both like" I said to Lucas. "Also boyfriends and girlfriends aren't exactly the same especially when someone has the opposite gender as their lover while another has the same gender as themselves as their lover" I said to Lucas who groaned.

"Why do you have to speak in essays?" Lucas asked me.

"It's just how I am!" I said back.

"Even though you don't like writing them?" Lucas asked.

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