Vol. 1 Chapter 4: Guardian

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Cado opens his eyes to a room that at first he doesn't recognize, but slowly comes to the realization that he's still at the hospital, finding out this fact during the periods of time he's been tended to by the nurses. He begins to straighten up in his bed to also notice that he isn't connected to anything anymore and makes a comment on this, looking over to see a glass vase with many different kinds of flowers, a gift that he questions. But then it clicks, thinking where that woman went since she must have been the one who brought him here, as he decides to stand on his feet for the first time in what feels like ages. His forearms along with his left leg are still understandably covered in bandages, walking to the closest window to see that he's currently on the second floor. Onlooking at the people passing by, a familiar face catches his eye, it's that girl again, and what was her name he asks himself, Akuso? And she seems to be with more witches saying this with genuine curiosity.

The door to his room then opens with him turning to see none other than that same woman who found him on the brink in that corroded forest. A bit shocked to see him on his feet, she shuts the door behind her to ask how he's feeling. Cado pauses for a moment remembering again all that had transpired over those few days can only utter that he's...alive, the mood shifting with both of them frowning a bit. He then asks her name to which she replies "Ursula", smiling to also add that she's sure that they have a lot to discuss, which is why she brought them some tea. Cado, wanting to find out as much as possible, makes his way over to a small table in the room, and pulls out a chair gesturing for her to sit. Ursula accepts this gentleman's act wholeheartedly, thanking him as he joins her on the other side eager to get this conversation underway.

Ursula starts off by asking how he of all people could have ended up in the Arcturus Forest of all places, with Cado responding that he didn't even know how he got there or what that is. Going on further to state that the day before it was normal like any other, he and Shooter were just flying around running errands until he decided to rest under a tree, falling asleep accidentally. And when he awoke, there was a thunderstorm, and he tried to fly to safety with Shooter but ended up sticking it out in a tower on a hill after almost getting struck by lightning. She begins to connect the dots by asking if he saw any light from the inside, and him responding that he did in fact, bits of green were emitting from the floor. Then she's sure that was the Glastonbury Tor, a Leyline, she states, with the young man dawning a confused look as she further explains that it is a way that witches use to quickly travel between places, but that it also serves as their source of power, their magic.

Cado replies with an understanding that she is a witch, remarking then that the floor under him must have collapsed, causing him to fall into this "Leyline". Ursula nods, adding that's how he got there, asking what happened after that, with him explaining that he was on his own, coming across and running away from several man-eating plants that she refers to as "Man-drakes". Before discovering and settling down for the night at an abandoned shack, almost as corroded as the forest itself. And also found this strange dagger inside one of the drawers, with Ursula revealing it out of her pocket to him, it is broken and not having that ominous glow anymore. She then explains that after she found it near him, and after further research states that the knife had some kind of cursed enchantment placed on it, likely to drain life energy. He replies in complete shock then that must have been the reason why he felt so weak, as she earnestly asks him to continue his story.

As he does, having traversed more of the forest, coming across more Man-drakes, and finally the..."Cockatrice" she finishes. He then gets more serious, saying that he doesn't remember much, only that Shooter tried to save him, and then he put down the beast that seemingly took him away. Shaking his fist in a fury, feeling like something was about to come out of his arm, only to calm down and say well, she knows the rest. Cado holds his head in frustration, noticing that his hair feels a little off as he messes with it, Ursula catches onto this using her wand to reflect a mirror in front of him, asking if he needs this. Cado almost freaked out at the sight of it, his bluish-gray hair had been replaced with beige, and the tips of his now even spikier hair looked peach-like, almost like the feathers Shooter possessed. Not only that, but his eyes also changed from the same blueish-gray to red with black pupils, and as soon as he realizes this he bows his head not wanting to believe that they really had fused.

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