Vol 1. Chapter 5: Believing Acceptance

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Cado stands anxiously in front of the very thing that had thrown him into the Arcturus Forest, the Glastonbury Tor, which they would have to use to travel to Luna Nova and back here when need be Ursula states. He still stands there extremely reluctant but eventually gives in as she tells him to mount the broom behind her as she will fly them to their destination. They enter and rise into the ley line, with every moment leading up to it feeling like an eternity, as the green light reflects off his eyes that stare blankly into it. In another flash, they are riding through the rift, and what looks to be branches connected alongside it. He inquires about why this is to his new mother calling her as such, being corrected that to everyone else, he must call her Aunt for their sake, with him bashfully apologizing. Turning to smile at him that it's fine but do not forget, then looking on to explain that these are the remains of the branches from the World tree Yggdrasil and that ley lines are the source of all magical energy of the world, which has flown through them reaching everywhere since ancient times.

With that explanation finished Cado is, simply put, amazed that anything like this could exist, let alone with such a history behind it as well. Ursula chuckling says that if he keeps that same enthusiasm, she's sure that he'll get accepted and even excel. He thanks her for the compliment, before thinking about the whole interview again, and stops on the word acceptance, before exclaiming and asking that won't he need to pay the tuition, and where on earth would he suddenly get that kind of money. She urges him to calm down before nervously stating that she already put aside the funds for the deposit for the first year. He doesn't take this information well in the slightest, almost falling off the broom after she says this. After a little while, he recomposes himself and follows up saying that he's extremely grateful, but she never mentioned anything about helping him that much.

Ursula sharply tells him that they can discuss this later, but for now, he needs to focus on the task at hand. Cado firmly says that he will, internally and boldly stating that he will become a great wizard while paying back the debt that he owes her, not only for this unbelievably kind act but for everything else that came before. Not long after this, the pair are once again greeted with a flash, with them finally exiting out of the other side of the leyline. While looking back, he notices the branches that intertwine to contain the rift that she states is Luna Nova's Leyline Terminal, just glad to breathe some fresh air finally. And following this, the flight is relatively short as above the wooded forest they get a full view of Luna Nova, him looking at the massive witch academy in complete awe.

Landing at the school entrance, they both dismount their shared broom and begin to walk through the large halls on the first floor. Cado comments on how it is quite empty, with Ursula explaining that Luna Nova only has a few hundred students and that most classes for the day are over, which is how she was able to pick him up and arrange this meeting. But as the pair continue, he does spot a few groups of students that are surprised to see him to say the least, before turning to gossip amongst themselves. Cado doesn't pay much attention to this fact, with Ursula then directing him to the stairs to the second and third floors. And before long, they reach the door to which she states they have arrived at the Nine Witches' hall, the Headmistress's Office.

Cado readies himself for what comes next, knocking on the door to hear a faint call to come in. Reaching for the knob he is stopped by Ursula who opens it for him saying that it's alright, as he confidently walks through politely greeting a pair of witches. The one standing on the right stares at the young man intensely, while the one sitting behind the large desk warmly welcomes him to her office, introducing herself as Miranda Holbrooke the headmistress. Then gesturing to the right stating that this is one of the professors here at Luna Nova, Professor Finnelan, who teaches magic linguistics, as well as a faculty member in student guidance. He stops a distance away from her desk, with something about the headmistress's aura feeling like that of great wisdom, so he bows in respect before introducing himself as Cado Callistis.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2023 ⏰

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