The Suspense Is Killing!

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It was a week after me and Ash had signed up for the contest and the boys were posting today. Me and Ash were freaking out.... Well Ash was. I figured that there would be a very slim chance of winning so I didn't really get my hopes up. It was also my day off like usual. After Ash rudely woke me up by poring freezing cold water on me and me attacking her for it by non stop tickling them we went to the living room to get stuff ready for the binge watching and excitement for the announcement of who the winner would be. Once we got the notification that they posted we huddled up together in our boys merch and clicked on the video. This time they were reacting to TikTok edits people made of them. Even some of ours made it in..... which lets just say that the boys were not to surprised at how many edits, but at how good they were. It was the end of the video and me and Ash kind of forgot about the contest u til we heard Narrator say that they were about to announce the winners. Narrator has always been my favorite. He had a voice that could kill, the sweetest smile, I mean I could go on for hours about how perfect he was, but it would take too long. Me and Ash immediately looked at each other then back at the tv screen. We were both full of suspense, we wanted to know, but my hopes were not high seeing as how many fans they have and I would just be another one that they see as a fan. Till I heard the one name I never thought I would hear come out of Narrators mouth.


Whose name will it be? Will it be yours? Will it me Ash's? Will it be a random name? Guess! Also I apologize in advance because a couple days from when I am posting this I will not be posting for about a week because I am going on a cruise..... sry🤣🤣🤣🤣. Hope you are enjoying so far and I am proud of how far you have come! I love you all and like you all.... Does Narrator feel the same???? Also for the purpose of the story all the boys are single..... I hope you read this so you know, but I will put a warning at the top/bottom when I go to ship anyone x one of the boys.(421 words)

Your Narrator (Grant) x readerWhere stories live. Discover now