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Ash's POV:

"The winner for the contest to come see us and stay with us for 3 weeks is y/YT/n! We will DM you some questions that we will need you to answer if you don't mind and thank you everyone who entered into the contest!" Narrator said while smiling at the camera. I already knew what y/n's reaction was going to be. They absolutely adored Narrator and when I look at them they were a blushing mess. I assumed it was because of Narrator saying their name and I was right. "I-I should check my DMs shouldn't I?" Y/n asked with a small stutter because of the shock they got from being the winner. "Yes absolutely you should!" I said back with a giant smile excited for them. "Ok one of the questions on here is who is going with me if anyone so I'm putting yo-" but before they could finish the sentence... "No! Let it just be you! You deserve this!" But that didn't help anyhow they had already sent my name. "Ok I just finished DMing them so...." Not to long later their phone went off again. The Boys had sent the information that we needed for when we leave and what hotel and stuff like that.

Y/n's POV

I can't believe I just got chosen for that. I mean I never win anything so why now? "Slap me." "What???" "Slap me! I wanna know I'm not dreaming!"....... "I'm not slapping you! Because if this is a dream then I also don't want to wake so....." Once we got done with that little funny argument that wasn't true Ky an argument we went to our separate rooms to back our bags because the ticket said 2 days. The Boys had apologized prior because that was the only tickets they could find for the plane ride. Looks like all we can do is wait for those 2 days. They ended up telling us to bring stuff to swim in and stuff for the beach/pool. Ash and I may or may not have been so excited that we stayed up all night..... I ended up calling my boss and telling him that I would be leaving for Texas in 2 days. (I don't even know if any of them live there just go with it for the story plz 🤣🤣🤣🤣) He was happy about me winning so I left it at that and Ash finally fell asleep. Not to long after them did I fall asleep......


Hey hope you guys are liking this so far! In 2 days.... What r u going to do in that time seeing as you already packed your bag??? All I am going to say is that.... I said that you and I were thinking about getting something dedicated to 'The Boys'. I might skip to the plane ride but most likely not! Love you guys and I'm so so so very proud of you! I love you, I like you, and stay safe!

Your Narrator (Grant) x readerWhere stories live. Discover now