Part 8: I'm okay/fine (look closely at the photo below)

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A/n - It's been 3 weeks since the tunnel

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A/n - It's been 3 weeks since the tunnel. Also, Arabelle was scared to tell everyone that she let go of Jessica, so she told them that Jessica let go. Arabelle's nightmares will be written like this

I could see it clear as day. I was hanging onto the branch from the side of the cliff again. I was trying to hold on to Jessica. The only difference was that it was just us. I promised her that she would be okay. I then let my grip loosen and she fell. I then also lost my grip on the branch and fell. Except I hit a hard floor and was in a dark room with everyone surrounding me.

"We all know you let her go and she didn't let go." Valerie said.

"Why did you let me go? You promised me everything was going to be okay," Jessica said.

"How could you lie," Hen and Chimney both say.

"I thought you were better than this," Bobby said.

"Why is Valerie friends with a murderer," Eddie said.

"I can't believe you're my daughter," dad said.

"This is why I left because of you," I blurred face said.

Then they all started calling me names, such as murderer, killer, monster, freak, disappointment, pointless, the problem, etc.

I covered my ears and screamed as I started crying.

I woke up gasping for air and covered in sweat. This same dream has happened since the incident. You'd think I'd be used to it by now. I checked the time on my phone. Yes, dad gave me my phone back, even though I stole it from his locker when the tunnel collapsed. It was only 3:47 am. I got up and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. I was about to head back to my room when dad came out of no where.

I started to say sh*t, but stopped myself  and acted like I was saying something else, "Shiiii-eeesh."

Dad looked at me weird. "I'm letting that slide because I scared you. Why are you up?"

"I got thirsty," I said.

"This is your 4th time this week," he said suspiciously.

"I guess I get thirsty a lot," I said.

"Are you okay?" dad asked.

"I'm okay, I mean fine, same thing," I replied. "Anyway, why are you up?"

"I'm a grown adult and have responsibilities, like making sure no one broke in when I hear a noise and don't try to change the subject," Dad said.

"I'm not," I said.

"Sure Jr." dad said.

"Look, dad, it's fine, I'm fine, and it's also 4 am now, so I'm going back to bed," I said as I went back to my room and shut the door.

Truth is, I haven't told dad or anyone about my nightmares. If I told dad he would freak out and if I told someone else, they would tell dad making him flip out more because I didn't tell him and told someone else. It didn't take me long to fall back asleep, but it was back into the dream.

Buck's POV

I woke up to a noise in the other room. I got up to go check and found Arabelle putting a glass in the sink. I must have scared her because when she turned around she almost said a swear word. I asked her why she was up and she gave the same excuse as the last 3 times. I was starting to get suspicious. She also tried to change the topic, which proves to me that she's hiding something. A few minutes after she went to her room and I knew she was asleep, I snuck into her room, just to double check. She was moving around a lot and she kept on saying sorry. What was she sorry about. I didn't want to bother her, so I left. I'd ask the team what do today later today.

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