I'm Not Sick (S. Smith)

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"Are you sure you're okay Y/N?"

Y/N shrugged off Sonnett's question. "I'm fine. Just allergies." The blonde looked at Y/N worriedly as the forward made her way out of the locker room and onto the field to warm-up. She then looked over at Kelley who shrugged. "We can't push her if she doesn't wanna be pushed Em."

On the field, Sophia watched her girlfriend start warming up. She noticed that Y/N was a little lethargic in her movements and that she was more flushed than usual. Alex trotted up next to her. "Hey, what's up with your girl? She looks like crap."

Sophia shrugged. "She hasn't said anything. When she gets sick, she goes into denial. She doesn't like to seem weak to people." Alex looked at Y/N sadly. She took Y/N under her wing when she first got called up. She had become a sister to Alex and the veteran forward would do anything in her power to make sure Y/N was always okay.

By the time the team hit their first break, Y/N was drenched in sweat. She was regretting coming to practice. When she woke up that morning, she had felt awful. Like someone had split her head open with a sledgehammer. Her stomach wasn't much better. She felt like she was gonna puke with every step she took.

Vlatko had decided that today was gonna be the day that they conditioned which made Y/N wanna die. With every lap she ran, her stomach churned. She didn't notice Sophia or Alex looking at the girl worriedly, waiting to help at any moment.

Hell didn't break loose until they started to scrimmage. While going for Kristie's corner kick, Y/N and Crystal knocked heads. Crystal got Y/N right in the temple, causing the girl to lose consciousness before she hit the ground.

Sophia and the medics were at Y/N's side in seconds. "She's burning up." One of the medics took one of the sensor thermometers, holding it in front of Y/N's forehead. "103.4. She must have the flu, let's get her to the back and get some fluids in her." The team watched as the medics moved Y/N back to the training rooms.

Sophia went to follow after them but Alex stopped her. "Let them get her settled and you can go see her when we're done." Sophia nodded and let Alex guide her back to practice.

Y/N groaned as she woke up. "Who turned the sun on max brightness?" She groaned as she heard a giggle next to her. "Hang on babe." The lights dimmed and Y/N slowly cracked an eye open.

She saw Sophia looking at her while stroking the back of her hand. "Soph, what happened?" The younger girl sighed. "You and Crystal knocked noggins going for a corner but the medics said you also have the flu. Why didn't you tell anyone you were sick?"

Y/N looked away from her girlfriend. "I didn't wanna bother anyone and make them miss practice to take care of me, so I thought I could power through it. Obviously, I couldn't."

Sophia sighed and kissed Y/N's hand. "Baby, you aren't a bother. Everyone here cares about you. You scared everyone half to death when you didn't wake up. They wanna take care of you Y/N. I wanna take care of you, you just have to let us."

Y/N sighed. She knew Sophia was right. She grew up in basically a parent less home. Her parents were always traveling for work so she had to grow up quicker than she wanted. She took care of herself. It was hard for her to open up.

Sophia tan her fingers through Y/N's hair. "Let's get you back to the hotel and into a bed so you can rest, okay?" Y/N nodded and allowed her girlfriend to guide her to their car.

When they got back to the hotel and Y/N was showered, they laid in bed, watching a movie when a knock on their door was heard.

Sophia got up to answer it and came back with 21 worried teammates following her. Y/N shrunk under their worried gazes as Alex made her way to Y/N's side. "You really scared us bub. Please don't do that again. Tell us when your sick so we can take care of you."

Y/N cuddled into Alex's side. "I'm sorry Alex, and to you guys. I always took care of myself growing up so it's hard to accept when other people wanna take care of me. But I'm gonna try so we don't have to go through this again."

Kelley gently rubbed Y/N's leg. "That's all we're asking for kid, now let's have a snuggle party."

And that's how the team found themselves that night, all 23 crammed into one hotel room, looking over their teammate. Y/N had never felt more safe than in that moment with her team.

I think I'm gonna be okay with these guys.

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