Author's Note

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Hi everyone!

How is everyone doing? How's everyone's mental health? Good? Drinking water? Eating?

Now that pleasantries are out of the way, I just wanna give you guys a life update.

Work is working. I wish I had a job that I actually liked but it is what it is. (I don't have a degree). I'm still single (and ready to mingle) (also, I'm gay) and I am officially a stoner.

I have a tumblr (thirlwallsexual) if you guys wanna hit me up over there. Send me anything!

I am currently working on some things not only for this book but a couple of other ones too. The one for this one is gonna be angsty so be ready.

My messages are always open if you guys wanna talk (or flirt, whatever you want) but I also wanna thank you guys for sticking with me this long. If you haven't, that's fine too. If you're new, welcome to this chaotic landscape and I hope you're here for a while!

Thanks for being patient with me and sticking with me and I hope to hear from you guys soon!

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