Chapter 4

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With quiet breaths, you dreamed of pleasant nonsense, stirring yourself awake lazily. You didn't remember being tucked into your blanket, firmly believing that the warmth surrounding you was Mirio's frame the entire night through. That wasn't the case, as you realised the edge of your coverings tickled your nose and roused you from your slumber. You blinked the sleep from your eyes and felt your heart sink, the realisation dawning on you as you sat up:

You were alone.

"Did I dream the whole thing?" You thought, looking around for clues. The answer, in fact, lay draped across you; what you thought was your blanket was not quite everything that was covering you:

It was Mirio's jacket.

You sighed in relief and lifted the jacket close to your body; breathing in the scent of his cologne. It was such a comforting aroma. Rather than waste the opportunity, you slipped your arms into the sleeves and pulled it around you, giggling a little at how much his clothes dwarfed your frame; so much so that you had to push the sleeves up high to let your hands just peek through the cuffs.

You also happened to notice that all of your books had been moved off of your floor, stacked into neat piles on the floor by your desk to save you having to do it.

You stretched before slipping out of bed and padded over to the stacks of books to put them back on the shelf when a piece of paper caught your attention. You sniffed and picked it up to read what it said;

[My angel,

Sorry I had to leave you so early; you looked so peaceful that I didn't want to wake you! I just got called away to do an early test before spending some time with Eri today. I'll be back later though!


You smiled as you studied the words, letting out a small puff of air as you realised that you probably wouldn't see much of him today. Even being the weekend didn't stop him from having to leave. Perhaps it was the cloud of sleep coating your mind, but you couldn't quite figure out the last part.

Who was Eri?

"Never mind." You thought, tucking the note on your desk before putting your books away in their proper order. "Guess I just have more time to read."


Mirio didn't return that night like he said he would.

Well, that wasn't technically true; he did, of course, come home, but not at the hour you were expecting. Much to your chagrin, you had called it quits earlier than expected and he still didn't return. Not that he was entirely to blame; you had blatantly ignored the warnings your mentor had given you when it came to reading rationally .

Still, you were hoping to get some time with him since he came back, and you let it slide for the first night. However, you couldn't quite let it go once Sunday evening had rolled in and you still didn't get to act on your impulses. It almost felt somewhat cruel; getting to be close to the body you so adored once more and having it stripped away from you without getting the opportunity to be intimate with him again. While your relationship was not based around sex, it was a very good pay off.

Frankly, your libido was struggling to be ignored.

The only way you felt you could quell your desire was to throw yourself into studying more, anything to be a distraction from the ache welling up in your abdomen when you thought about Mirio's own; what with his sculpted abs and deep 'v' line.


There had to be an answer, or some kind of clue at least, on how to restore a quirk after it had been taken away...

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