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Y/n came back home but the thing which shocked her is her brother, her brother is at home.

He was sitting on the couch in the living room.
She goes near him "Hii." She doesn't know what to say so she just says this.
But all she got was silence.
She looks at her brother ,he looks tense and murmurs something.
"Hey are you okay?" She again said expecting no answer.


"Y-Ya nothing to worry about!" He said and smiled.

She was a little worried because he's her brother... But the thing which surprise her is that he talked and SMILED!!!

She headed to her room and change in comfy clothes. And came back to the living room but her brother was not there more.

Maybe he's in his room butt... Who cares?

She went to kitchen to see if it has something to eat. There's nothing in fridge except a chips packet. She picked it and went to watch t.v.

After sometimes she felt sleepy as it's already night so she went to her room. On her way she heard some noises from his brothers room at first she thought of go and check him but she didn't go. She lie on her bed. All her tiredness fall away and she slept.


There was someone in her house with she's isn't aware of. He was searching for something but look like he didn't find it.
He ended up entering in y/n's room which he should not.
He placed a handkerchief on her nose. When he was assured that she is unconscious he hold her (let me tell you in bridal style) and put her in his car and bring her somewhere.


Y/n woke up....
She looked around she isn't in her room. At first she thought it was her dream so she closed her eyes for a second and then open it but she was not in her own room. This time she pinched herself but nothing happens.

While she was doing all these she heard door opening... She look at the door. It reveals a man.

"Good Morning, Princess!" He said softly but look like y/n is not in mood to talk

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"Good Morning, Princess!" He said softly but look like y/n is not in mood to talk.

"WHY THE FUCK I'M HERE?" She shout.

"You are here because of your brother." He again said calmly.

"Wtf WHO ARE YOU?" She cursed.

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU'RE TO SHOUT AT ME HUH!?" He lose his temper.

His scary voice made her fliched.

"I-I..." She is hella scared.

"Let me tell you little princess.... You're here because of your brother he stole something very important from me so I stole you from him, Simple." He again said calmly make y/n wonder if he had some split personality disorder.

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