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"Pablooooo....." Someone said.
Pablo went.

"I think Mr. Raval is here." Maithili Aunty said and left.

Y/n headed downstair.

"Mr. Pablo do you miss me? How was your day?"

A chuckle left from y/n mouth and her chuckle got welcome with a cold gaze

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A chuckle left from y/n mouth and her chuckle got welcome with a cold gaze.

Y/n mentally hit herself on head and started going back.

"Wait!" He said but y/n didn't listen.

"I SAID STOP!" Y/n slowly turn around.

"Who let you out??"

"I...well.. I was..."


"Maithili Aunty." Y/n said slowly.


"Your maid."

"Maithili Auntyyyy!!!!" He shout.

"What happened Mr. Raval?"

"Why is she out from the room?"

"Sorry sir I'll send her back." Maithili aunty apologize to him and lead y/n back to her room.

"Sorry for his behavior he must be tired but trust me he's not bad guy."
Maithili Aunty said and left.

Y/n chuckle sadly. "Bad guy! He is bad guy! How can he imprisoned someone for nothing?" She locked the door and threw herself on bed and started remembering her beautiful day she spent with her best friend and in her own bedroom..... studying While thinking she drifted into sleep.
Her sleep got interrupted by bang on the door someone is beating the door.
She open the door.

"I was sleeping!"

"......." He reply with silence just staring at her.

"What happened?" Y/n asked.

"Nothing!" He said and left, leaving dumbfounded y/n.

She thought for a while about his strange behavior,"Whatever.... I don't care." She close the door and again laid on the bed.

With Mr. Raval:

"I thought something might happen to her." He mumbled to himself.

"Is everything alright Mr. Raval?" Maithili Aunty asked.

"Yes you can give her food, she was sleeping at that time." He answered.


He got a phone call~~

"What happened?" He received the call and asked.

?? - 'Black Devils' They are attacking come fast.

"On the way." He said and cut the call... Opening the drawer he take out some guns and bullets and leave the house with some of his mens.

Y/n was getting bored so she thought to roaming in the mansion. "Is he gone?" She said feeling the silence in the house.
"Yes he is." A sudden voice made her startled. She place her palm on her chest breathing heavy.

"You scared me." She said.

"Oh sorry!" Maithili Aunty replied.

"I am bored 😑" She said.

"Well I can't help you. You can watch me cooking if you want."

"Oh that's great! i want to learn how to cook." Y/n said and went with maithili aunty in the kitchen.
But she can't learn anything. After she spent hours in the kitchen lastly she went out.

The door slammed and a person entered with a blooded shirt and some bloods are drpping from his hand.
She got numb after seeing bloods after a while she gain her consciousness and ran to the man realizing he's Mr. Raval. After seeing her he shout,"What are you doing out again how many times I have to tell you don't come in my vision." This time she doesn't care about how she is getting scolded she said,"SHUT UP and look at yourself you're injured, where is first aid box??" He didn't say anything because this is the first time he's getting scolded from someone after his mother. "DON'T YOU HAVE TONGUE TO SPEAK?" She yelled once again. "In my room." He answered. She asked Maithili Aunty to bring the first aid while she was cleaning some of his bloods with napkin.


"How did you get hurt?" She asked while dressing him.

"I was fighting with my enemies." He said.

"But why? Why you fight and kill people it's a crime!"

"It's my work."

"Can I ask one thing??"

He just hummed.

"What is your name? I mean I'm not gonna call you Mr. Raval.. Eww." She made a disgusting face.

"You don't have to call me anything." He said which made her angry because she is taking care of him and he is being rude.

He got some wound on his chest so y/n told him to clear his wound himself. She turned around and sat there by any chance if he need help.

"Darshan." He said.

"Huh!?" She said still backfacing him.

"Darshan Raval my name."


He whined which make y/n turn around. "What happ--" She stopped after seeing his bare body or well built body she was just staring don't know what to do when she realize what she is doing she closed her eyes and place her palm on her eyes.

He chuckles.

"How's it! It takes hard work."

                      𝚃𝚘 𝙱𝚎 𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚞𝚎𝚍

Soooo.... How was it?? After a long time I know,,thank you 💞everyone for liking this book so much, Love you all 💗💝.


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