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"... Then listen
This woman in front of you is the most disgusting and greedy.. She fucking snatch everything from me before I met you! When I was a child I was the happiest person I guess but she.. She destroyed my happiness just for her luxury.. My mom..she died in an accident and the accident was caused by her when my father didn't get seduced by her. But my father still didn't give a shit about her.. And told her to live as maid which was she at my HOME but she didn't stop.. I was attached to her and she is very well aware of that then she again made a plan and mix poison in my dad's food. And shut even doctors mouth with my father's money. Ugghh.. And the next plan she made was that I will marry her Daughter who is now married to another man without her knowing about this .. Her daughter Sakshi, she is my friend and so when she got to know her own mother disgusting plan she directly told me. And now she is in front of you like this.”
Darshan completed himself and suddenly Y/n hugged him.. He suffered so much, she use to wonder why he has not his family but now she knew everything.. She started hating Maithili after knowing this.

“Why? Why? Aunty! Why did you did this to him? If you want money you can ask for it, right? Not murder someone.” She shouted at Maithili who was already crying at her feet.

“Now.. You sit right here, Mi Reina! And I will deal with her.” Darshan said to Y/n she looked into his eyes it hold so much pain.
'God why did you give this much pain to him?'

Hm.” She nodded.

And then he grab her hair in his fist drag her to kitchen.. Turn the knob of the stove and put her face in front of the flame.

“Please.. No..!!”

"You should have think before doing these all things women! And about that.. You were the one giving Shiv information about Y/n right? I want to kill you in so many ways.. Only if you had that much souls to die.. But it's okay I will give you only one death which will feel like you died thousand time."

Darshan dragged her back in the living room and made her walk on the pieces of glass.

"This is the best thing for the bitch like you."

Y/n was sitting on the sofa back facing them.. She was showing like nothing is happening and was watching a show on the television. When she heard a loud grunt she look back only to see bloods were coming out from Maithili's feet and she was again crying.. Her face was fully burnt and was red.

Y/n closed her eyes forcefully not wanting to see these things.

Then Darshan call Mike. "Come to Mansion and clear this mess I have created."

"You were so cool." Darshan chuckles at Y/n.

"What?" She asked dumbfounded

"I have seen girls started hating a mafia after knowing his real truth or after seeing him killing someone. But you're different."

"I know that's why my name is--"

"Mi Reina." Darshan completed.


"Okay bye.. I love torturing you." Darshan said to Maithili in her cell and left.

He had gave her so much pain till now like cutting her fingers, plucking out her hairs, trimmed her whole body, cuts her ears etc.

Still he is not satisfied with himself.
This torture will carry on in future too till she died bearing those pains.

He came back home..
Yeah home which he was craving for so long.

"Dinner is ready." She sang.

"You know you don't have to do work?" He said back hugging Y/n placing a kiss on her cheeks.
She giggles,"And you know no matter how many times you will say I am gonna do this."

"I know."

"Mr. Raval I want to go to shopping that's why I am doing this.. Okay? And you will took me there."

"Anything for you Mrs."

"Hehe.." She turned to face him.
He can't control himself and smash his lips on hers they parted away and Darshan placed a kiss on her forehead.
She also pressed her lips on his forehead giving him a long forehead kiss.

I will not going to write more.. If you're thinking their baby and all.. This is not my things, this is a fan fiction and I want to be in my limits. He doesn't even know about this story but I want to sorry him if he is reading this by some chances.. And also I know this was not so good. But I tried my best.

This was the end of this story.
I will think about a epilogue. Keyword think I am way too lazy than you think. I would like to lie down on the bed instead of writing so guyss have a happy new year and Love You all.
I have got so many view which I was not even imagining..
Happy holi..
Happy Eid..
Happy Bakrid..
Happy Diwali..
And jo jo hota h in advance.

Soo.. If you're still not satisfied with the ending comment down and I will try to change it.
Bye Bye.

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