Chapter 16

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Author's pov

Somewhere in the world
Something big was going to happen.

Just like silence before the Strom.........

??:*chuckles* they think we are very stupid.
(A/n: Yes u are.)

???: *Sipping her drink* Let them then.

??: Dear u think we will succeed.

???: Ofc I promised u that I will help u no matter what.

??: so what are we gonna do now.

???: Wait and do something else.

??: as in...

???: * Smirks* you will know.

??: Let's clink glasses for now🥂


Tae: Hmmm yes oh my god like that u are great ahhhhhh fuck omo it feels so good yes yes there.

(A/n: U are thinking wrong u unholy brats 🌚.)

Jimin: Stop moaning u idiot.

Tae: But you give great massage.

Jimin: Ik magical hands ✨✨.

Tae: Magical yes but small.

Jimin: Done there u feel nice.

Tae: Yes after beating the criminal my muscles were tight.

Jimin: What was it about.

Tae: Rapist that bastard.

Jimin: hmm...

They were talking suddenly got interrupted by Namjoon.

Rm: Guys go get ready Mr Min has called us.

They both nodded.

They went to get ready.

*Few moments later*
BTS got ready waiting for Y/n.

*Few moments later*BTS got ready waiting for Y/n

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Then Y/n came downstairs..

Y/n: Sry to keep u waiting

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Y/n: Sry to keep u waiting.

Everyone: Girls....

They reached the Department.

And went inside Mr Min office.

Mr Min: Come here dear children.

Jk: Why u called us?

Mr Min: Y/n dear I have a work for u.

Y/n: Yes dad?

Mr Min: You guys know Hwang Nancy has a brother.

Everyone nodded.

Mr Min: Well maybe he could help us in someway so Y/n I want you to go to Seoul National University as a professor and make him fall for u so that he take u to his parents house and maybe u can snoop in the office, any clues please Y/n will u do it?

Y/n: ok.......

Tae: No.

Everyone: why?

Tae: Because.......because aishh leave it.

Y/n: So when?

Mr Min: Tomorrow.

Guys I know the chapter is small but my exams are there so hope y'all understand 😊

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