Chapter 19

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Author's pov

Y/n: On a Date? Woah nice 👍👍 I am happy tell me how it went alright byyy.

And she ended the phone.

But it didn't ended actually...she just pretended to end it.

Y/n: Sorry In was my annoying BROTHER.

In Yeop: Oh no problem....

And here Tae was girtting his teeth.

And the call finnally ended.

Few minutes later..

Both of them reached the class...

In Yeop: Let me open *smiles*.

Y/n smiled too...

They both entered inside the class was making noise but as they heared the door open everyone was quiet as a mouse.

As they both entered they started to whispers about Y/n and someone asked.

Jong: Is she a new student?

In Yeop: No she is your new Chemistry teacher.

The students oooohed.

In Yeop: So...Miss Jung I am leaving you to them,let's have lunch together with other teachers.

Y/n: Sure.

Hwang left and Y/n turned to class.

Y/n: I am you new Teacher Miss Jung Hanuel you can call me Miss Hanuel.

Class: Good Morning Miss Hanuel.

Y/n: So as its my first day homework just revise last things for 15 mins then you can do whatever you want but not much voice should come.

Everyone was happy as they took out their books.

15 mins later.....

Student 1: Miss How old are you.

Y/n: 27.

Student 2: Are you single.

Y/n: Yes....

Student 3: Miss you are really nice.

Y/n: Thanks.

Student 1: Miss why you choose this University.

Y/n: Cause it has good opportunities.

Y/n: Now please introduce yourself class.

They all introduced them selves.

The bell rang and everyone went out.

Then atleast a boy approached her.

??: Now why are you here Miss Hanuel or Y/n?

Hello bublies Ik Ik btw my mum will get operated on 29 so it will take a bit time to update and Ik chapter is short so for y'all next one will be long please wait for me.❤️dw I will end this story..... Love you borahae 💜.

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