Chapter 10

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Author's pov

Both Y/n and Taehyung went to their houses to get ready.

Y/n wore this.

(Need to be presentable on the first day 🤭🤭)

(Need to be presentable on the first day 🤭🤭)

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Let's get going.

She reached the office and went to the reception.

Y/n: hello I am the new MD here.

Receptionist: Oh yeah You must me Miss Lily.

Y/n: Yess...

(y/n code name is Lily.)

Receptionist: here is your office card Hope you have a nice day and all the best for your first day. Ms Roa our intern will guide you.

Y/n: Thanks.

Miss Roa came and started showing Y/n the office.

Roa: So Miss Lily so you are liking our office so farrr.....

Y/n: Yes. Hey Btw call me Lily We are of same age na.

Roa: Ok Lily.

Y/n: So Roa how is our YK CEO like beacuse I have never seen him or met him before as he was not here when my interview was going on.
*In mind* need to know how is that icie guy in the office hehe 🤭🤭.

Roa; Ugh 😩 he is really handsome and hot but really cold.

Y/n: Ohhhh.......

Roa: oh Shoot! I forgot come with me.

They went to the main office where all the workers were working.

Roa: Lily meet Mr Justin seagull he will be your assistant in need.

Y/n: Oh hello Mr Justin.

Jk: *in mind* Justin seagull seriously. Hello Ms Lily ask me anything when you need my help.

Y/n: Sure.....

They all were talking suddenly they heard a deep "cold" voice.

V: So I see some new employees.

Y/n:* in mind* How does this guy looks like a mafia Character

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Y/n:* in mind* How does this guy looks like a mafia Character.

Roa: M-mr V *bows*.

V: How are u Li.

Y/n: *Li seriously 😣* I am good Bear.

V:*advdvdbd This gurl I told her not to*.

Y/n:*wanna mess with me.*

Jk:*guys stop talking in mind*


Jk*Aish no one loves me*.

Jin:*I do.*

Rm:*yah you disturbing them*.

Y/n2:*Hi guys sry.*

Y/n:*Wait I have a duplicate 🤯🤯*

Y/n2:*ahh😅😅 No No I am from the other story How did I teleport here must be Beacause of this author she is stupid*.


A/n:*kook you too.*

Jk:* sry but yes*.

A/n:*no one loves me*

Readers:*we do 💜*

A/n:*tsym*.Btw Y/n2 we need to take you to your story back ok.

Y/n2:*oh btw Y/n Always remember Taehyung loves you.*


Y/n2:*and he will so don't leave him he loves you like my Tae loves me.*

A/n:*psst Y/n2 They haven't even confessed yet you are ruining everything we have just started the story*.

Y/n2:*oh is that so.....*

A/n:*hehe guys she is dumb lemme take care of her bye 🍀🍀.*

Back to story.

Roa:*why tf these people are zoing*.

Roa: Hehe Guys.

Three:*snapped* Huh yes?

V: Ah yes I had a meeting bye.

He kissed Y/n's forehead and left.

Jk also left.

Roa: Why did he kiss you 😧😧.

Y/n: He is my boyfriend for a reason 🌚.

Roa: oh ok.......wait wut?

Y/n: Yesh Have a great day.

Roa: Aissh what a day!! 😩😩.

The story would be interesting.......

Vote and see......

Thanks 👍👍

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