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Rose Russo

"Did you hear what happened?"
Pierre asked me at breakfast.
"No? What is it?" I asked him.
"Lily and Oscar broke up." he told me unbothered while munching on a croissant. I shot my look up, looking at him.

"What? What the hell happened?" I said with with a sad expression.
"I don't know, i'm trying to find out." he pointed at his phone, as it was that obvious.

I rolled my eyes and start staring through the window in the cafeteria we were sitting in.

We were in Bahrain, for the first race of the season. Some upgrades on the car were made, but I'm not very keen on driving for Alpine for the second year. This year my teammate was Pierre, while we were friends for about three years now.

Always bugging each other, but at the end always helped each other. Always gossiping about everyone; especially Charles.
(i personally love bullying charles💀)

Today we had a meeting with the team. There was only one hour left, before we had to be at the paddock.

I was walking to the elevator, so I can get to my room. Pierre already went to the paddock with Kika, but I still needed to get completely ready, so I didn't go with them.

When the elevator door opened I saw something I didn't expect. It was Oscar making out with a random girl. When he stopped sharing saliva with her, he looked at me and smirked.

His eyes were puffy and red, I assumed from crying. He had dark circles under them; he probably wasn't sleeping?

He stepped out of the elevator with the girl and I looked at them.

He didn't look happy though... he looked distracted.


We were done with the meeting and I was hungry because I didn't eat breakfast, so I made my way to the cafeteria. We mostly talked about the sponsors, so it wasn't very interesting.

I never liked talking about them, because I know how my career depends upon them. I hate being controlled.

I ordered a chicken wrap and an iced caramel macchiato, then a glass of water to the side. My favourite meal.

After a while, I saw Carlos entering, so I waved at him to sit down with me.

"Hola, Rose." he greeted and I shared a smile with him.
"Ciao, Carlos." I spoke.
"How are you?" he asked.
"I'm good. New upgrades to the car." I chimed. "What about you, Carlitos?"
"Well, I am good. Still a little sad, because of Isa, but i'll be okay." he answered and smiled sadly.

Isa broke up with Carlos after seven long years of relationship. She said, that it was too much pressure, but I don't believe that. It must be something else.

Firstly Luishina, then Charlotte and Isa, now Lily.
Usually we would go out every weekend. One weekend to SPA, the next one in a club, one weekend on a yacht...

"It'll be okay, Carlos." I assured him as I ate the last piece of my food. We stood up and walked out.

"Did you hear about Oscar?" he asked and looked at me.
"Yes, I did. I feel bad for him." I answered truthfully.

"Why would you feel bad for me?!" a voice behind us harshly remarked.
I turned around to see him.
"Oscar, you loved her... of course I would feel bad for you. I feel bad for Lily too. She loved you too." I softly and slowly took a step forward.

His face completely changed. It was sadness written all over it.
"She didn't love me." he coldly stated and walked away.

I turned back to Carlos.
"What was that about?" he asked confused, but didn't expect me to answer, as we both didn't know.

We walked by the Ferrari garage and Carlos stopped there.
"I have to go. We have a meeting." he explained and waved at me. I waved back and started walking to the McLaren garage.

"You can't be here." Mia, one of the team managers said as she looked at my Alpine shirt. She was probably a new one.
"Yes, she can. Come here, Rose." Lando said and smiled at me.
I walked made my way to him, then walked to his driver room together.

Me and Lando. We always had a very good relationship. When we were younger, we would kart together and developed a healthy friendship. We were best friends.

"Where is Oscar?" I asked him.
"He is probably in his room, why?" he asked, obviously curious.
"I have to see him." I said, stood up and walked to his room.

I knocked, but no one answered so I tried to open the door. It was unlocked. I stepped in and saw Oscar curled in a ball laying and sobbing on his sofa.

"Oscar..." I softly said and quickly walked to him after closing the door.
"Hey..." I tried and hugged him.

"She... she cheated on me, Rose." he sobbed into my shirt, when he hugged me back.
"Oh, you poor thing, i'm so sorry. Why would she do that?" I asked.
"She said that i'm not good enough." he now said, almost choking on his own tears.

I grabbed his face softly.
"Oscar. Look at me right now. You are good enough. You're one of the most honest and funny guys I ever met. And if she said that, she is the one not good enough, because you deserve so much better. We're going out tonight. Not, so you can fuck other girls. We will go, so you can get drunk as much as you want and I will be there, okay?" i commanded.

He looked up and slowly nodded.
"Yes, that would be nice." he smiled through the tears.
I hugged him one more time.
"You are enough." I whispered once again.

I stood up and waved to him.
"Remember what I told you, Piastri." I told him and touched my head.

I walked into Lando's driver room again.
"Why do you have wet stains on your shirt?" he asked and pointed to it. I sighed.
"Oscar." I replied and that was enough for him. He just nodded his head and didn't ask more.

"Lando." I started.
"Yes?" he looked up from his phone.
"Girls night. Tomorrow. My room. What do you think?" I asked with a cheerful expression on my face.
"I'm not a girl." he groaned. "But i'm in." he grinned now.

"Who brings which snacks?" I asked. I was always more of a savoury person, but I was definitely not gonna turn down some sweets.

"I bring sweets, you bring crisps." he ordered and I nodded.
"I will get the best crisps you've ever eaten." I grinned.
"Rose, you always bring the same Italian ones." he rolled his eyes.
"Exactly!" I point my finger at him.

"Well, I have to go now." I told him.
"Okay, see you tomorrow." he waved and I smiled again, then walked out of the paddock.

I needed to get to the hotel, get showered, do my makeup and pick out an outfit for the night.

There was definitely some work to do.



love ya'll x

sending love🫶🏼

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