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Rose's POV

I read the text, when I came to the hotel. Sweatpants, he said. Where were we going then?

Probably a picnic? Or the beach.

Stop. You're thinking way to much. He prepared a casual date. That's it. You'll see what is it like, when you get there.

I had two hours to get ready, which meant I had enough time to be on TikTok. I watched the Italian chef and some other videos. I got some Oscar edits, but today I didn't mind.

It was 18:50, so I started getting ready. I took a quick shower, which turned out to be not so quick. I washed my head and the whole body.

The mango shampoo was mixed with the steam, so the whole bathroom smelled like it and I  absolutely loved it.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body, then used a smaller one for my hair.

When my body was dry, I put the turban off my head and brushed my hair. I then put some leave-in conditioner in it and scrunched my curls.

After that, I put a little gel on my hands and scrunched a bit harder than before, so the curls looked amazing.

I left them like that, so they would air dry. During that, I went to my bag looking for some comfortable sweatpants.

I found some old, black ones, but they looked brand new. For the top, I chose an orange crop top with short sleeves, as Oscar will give me one of his hoodies anyway.

I still had fifteen minutes, so I called my dad.

Just kidding.

He left, lol.

I actually still had to do my makeup, so I quickly put on some concealer and a little bit of mascara. Nothing much, but it looked cute.

I packed my phone, lip balm, AirPods and my wallet in the Prada purse I bought not so long ago.

I was literally in love with it.

It was three to eight, so I put my shoes up and made my way to Oscar's room.

I knocked and he opened straight away.
"Wearing my colour, I see." he winked at me. To be honest I didn't really think about the orange top, I just thought it looked cute with the sweats. But I guess you could put it his way.

I stepped into the room.
"I would like to have a jumper, please." I asked and he nodded.
He gave me a purple hoodie and it was perfect. It was oversized the right amount.

"Let's go." he smiled and put his hand, for me to take it. I did exactly what he wanted and we went out of the hotel, to his car.

He opened the door for me and I smiled thankfully.

A real gentleman.

When he sat down, he put his right hand on my thigh and squeezed it a little.
"I love your thighs." he whispered seductively. I blushed and turned around.
"Don't turn around, Sun. I love seeing you blush." he smirked and I turned even more pink.

"Just drive." I chuckled.

I put on some of my music and started singing. Train Wreck by James Arthur started playing and I loved that song. It was made for people like me.

Oscar peeked at me and I stopped singing immediately.
"Sorry." I started, but he cut me of.
"Don't stop, your singing is amazing." he smiled and I blushed again.

God damn it, Piastri.

We were driving for about twenty minutes, until we stopped. We walked out, to a park.

There it was.

A big blanket on the ground, with some candles around. It was dark already, so they made the perfect impression.

On the blanket there were all sorts of sweets and panini; my favourite. They reminded me of home. Of the good part of my childhood. When my mama would prepare them when I was sick and wouldn't eat anything else.

I smiled to myself.

"Oscar, this is amazing." I said mesmerised. He smiled at me and tugged on my hand a little, so we would sit down.

"I had a bit of help." he admitted and I couldn't help but chuckle a little.

"I like you, Rose." he said.
"I like you too, Oscar." I grinned back.

"Okay, enough. I'm starving and the panini looks so fucking good." I laughed and so did he.

We ate, joked and I had the best time of my entire life. It was romantic, but so casual at the same time.

It was perfect.

He was perfect. A strand of hair falling down on his eye and his eyes looked magnificent in the light of the candles.


After two hours I started getting tired and he noticed it in a single moment. He was like the perfect man, straight from a film.

"Let's go." he whispered and took my hand.
"But who will clean after us?" I worried.
"I've got everything sorted out, don't worry." he smiled and put his hand on my lower back, guiding me to the car.

When we were both comfortably sitting in his McLaren, I spoke up.
"This was the best date in my whole life. It was so amazing, even if you needed help. You know, it's normal to ask for help. You don't do it a lot of times, do you." I nudged him.

"I guess not really, but you don't either." he joked.
"I'm weird." I laughed.
"Then we'll be weird together." he poked me on the shoulder and laughed too.

We drove to the hotel and went to his room.
"Can I just die? I'm so fucking tired." I groaned and he shook his head smiling.
"You can't. Otherwise I can't kiss you."

"Let's brush our teeth, then go to sleep." I suggested and he responded with a single nod. It was enough.

After we were done, I put some random Oscar's shirt on and laid in the bed. i turned on the side and Oscar happily spooned me towards himself.

A lot of people disliked him. They thought he was arrogant. But the truth is, he was the biggest sweetheart you could ever meet.

Apart from Daniel Ricciardo.

He was the best; no doubt.

My eyes were fluttering and I was almost asleep when I heard something.

"You are the most beautiful person in the world, Sunshine."


a bit shorter chapter, sorry.

I think I slept twelve hours, all together the past week and i'm literally DEAD rn.

nighty night, darlings. that was cringe💀

i hope you're all well.

sending love🫶🏼

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