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Rose's POV

I have to talk with Oscar.... to get things straight. I was laying in bed for forty-five minutes, while Lando was in the shower, getting ready for some party with Martin that he was going to.

I don't know what to do, say, think.

I feel like having sex with him, was a mistake. Don't get me wrong, he's attractive but I still have feelings for Oscar.

And those feelings are strong.

I feel like I just used him to get away from my problems.

It was all a mistake.

"What are you thinking about?" Lando asked when stepped out of the bathroom with some sweatpants and a boring blue shirt.

"I think I should talk to Oscar..."
"Oh.." he spoke after a minute of staring at each other.

"Did this mean anything for you?" he asked while fidgeting with his fingers and looking at his feet.
"Cmon Lando, we both know this was a mistake." I chuckle.

"It wasn't a mistake to me...." he looked in my eyes now. Tears were forming in his.

"Lando, I still love Oscar. I don't want to take a hold of your feelings and play with them." I explain, but he just looked at his feet again.

"You took a hold of them long time ago, Rose. Since we met." he laughed darkly. I didn't want to see him sad, but I can't use him.

I can't be with him, I don't love him. I want him as a friend, not anything else.

I stand up and walk up to him.

"Lando, you'll find a girl for you. That may not be me, but I don't want to lose you... i'm not the right for you. I can't love you, I love Oscar. But there will be someone who will love you; deeply. I promise." I tell him and squeeze him in a tight hug.

"You think?" he sniffled into my shoulder.
"I know."


I was about to call Oscar, but at the same time... was it really a good idea?

I mean, if the rumours were true, he had a girlfriend and he wouldn't want anything with me.

I don't care, I have to call him. I have to talk with him. Hear his voice. Explain myself and Charles' words.

I still have to shout at Charles for what he said to Oscar.

I'm probably just going to call him for dinner and then yell the shit out of him.

He has to fear me.

I'm so funny, I know.
(i'm depressed🙄✊🏼)

I have to do this..... but I can't.

But I have to. So, I do it.

I call his number and it rings once, twice, three times....

After seven rings a voice finally speaks up.

"Yes? What do you want from me?"

"Oscar, we have to talk.... but I really don't want to do it over the phone. Can we maybe meet up?"

"Why, did Lando break up with you and you want me back or something?!"

"That's exactly why we have to talk. Like not because he broke up with me, but because what Charles said was a complete lie. Now, can we please meet up, so I can explain?"

"Tomorrow, 6pm. Be dressed fancy and if you're not ready to go at time, I won't wait."

"Okay... bye."

He just hung up. No "bye" no nothing. Just silence.

Now, I have to wait till tomorrow evening. It's going to be a long day.


Max F came over, so he could help me choose an outfit. Plus, the depressed duo has to hang out more, you know.


I laughed. Lol.


The outfit was a hard choice. We were choosing between a black elegant one, and a white sexy one.

We chose the sexy one.


I already know that I'll cry in the middle of the story, because of my hormones

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I already know that I'll cry in the middle of the story, because of my hormones. Fuck period.

"Girl, are you sure you'll not die from pain? You literally can't stand right now." Max chuckled and I threw a pillow at him.

"Fuck you, and the pill doesn't work." I cry out in pain.
"Just say you can't go." he shrugged but I glared at him.
"Bitch, shut the fuck up, you're not fucking helping man."

He put his arm up in surrendered and brought me some chocolate from the fridge.

I love chocolate.
(nope, no thanks😭)

"Get up, he's gonna be here in half an hour." Max clapped his hands together making me flip him off.

I groan painfully, standing up and genuinely limping to the bathroom to do my makeup. Almost died doing it.

Then I styled my hair, again almost dying during it.

Lastly I basically crawled to the living room and put on the dress. Fucking kill me.

I drink a glass of water before looking at my watch, seeing I only have two minutes till six, so I took my purse and said bye to Max, then walked out of the house and waited in the driveway.

Oscar was not even a second late, not even second early. He was on time.

He didn't open the door this time, just glared at me when I sat in the car.

These cramps are going to be the death of me.

He didn't even say "hi", just stupidly nodded his head at me.

Am I the one who cheated?! Why the fuck was he pissed, stupid bitch.

I want to know how this will get done.


if you saw any mistakes, it's cause of my cramps fr.

i'm so sorry for not posting, i needed a break, i really am not too good rn so yeah.

also crying cause my friend just got asked for prom and i know i won't be ever so... lol.

love ya'll x

sending love🫶🏼

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