Chapter 7: Talks about the Future

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The remainder of the days on the campsite were spent alternating between doing things as a group, in pairs or individually.

On the fourth day, Sebastian had conjured a boat which he and Ominis used to row over the lake as the latter wouldn't swim and his best friend wanted him to still be able to enjoy the water in some way. Poppy, Nerida, Anne and you were swimming, circling the boat while chatting with the boys.
   Ominis had a genuine smile on his face the whole time, even when he grumbled about Sebastian dragging him all the way over the lake against his will. It was cute to see him blush and nodding when Poppy and Nerida asked if he was having fun, despite not swimming.

Natty and Garreth were mostly off doing Merlin knows what, although you did catch them making out behind a thicket one time.
   They had been in each other's arms snogging when you came walking around the bushes, having just gone for a walk. They had jumped apart in embarrassment as soon as they were aware of you.
   You had given them a knowing smirk and shrugged your shoulders. "I'm only happy for you. I'll leave you two be." Natty had smiled at you and Garreth, despite being red in the face, had chuckled awkwardly and thanked you.

That day had been the hottest yet, so when it finally cooled off a little, late in the evening, all of you had been sitting around the fire drinking fire whiskey and just talking about anything and everything.
   It only took a couple of hours before everyone was drunk. Even Poppy and Ominis, who weren't big drinkers. Though they only needed one glass to get tipsy and the second one did them in.

You and Natty had been the last ones awake and slightly coherent as you had been taking it a bit easier on the drinks.
   Anne and Nerida were laying cuddled up on the ground and it was clear Nerida was still somewhat awake as she kept pressing a soft kiss every now and then to Anne's head.
Garreth was laying with his head on Natty's lap, while the rest of his body was still seated and you winced at the uncomfortable looking position. He snuggled his head against her legs as she stroked her fingers through his hair lovingly.
   Ominis and Poppy were leaning against each other with his head on top of hers, both fast asleep. Seeing them holding each other's hands that were laid in Ominis' lap, made you want to squeal in giddiness, but you were thankfully just aware enough that that probably would wake everyone up.

Sebastian was leaning heavily on your shoulder, his cheek smushed against your neck. He was asleep and the blush on his freckled cheeks was purely because of the alcohol. Your own face was probably red as well as you felt the warmth of the alcohol in your bloodstream, making you feel relaxed and maybe a little dizzy.
   The hangover you knew all of you would have tomorrow morning would be worth it. You could feel how much your friendship with everyone had strengthened these last days and it was making you feel like you could handle everything in life as long as you had them.

The fifth day hadn't been much different from the last, except that it was only in the afternoon when everyone was finally feeling up to do anything other than laying around.
   The hangover had been brutal. Garreth had stocked up on hangover potions, but they only made the headache go away. Everyone was still nauseous and felt like crap. There had been no alcohol consumption that night.

On the last full day at the campsite, Natty, Anne and Poppy had gone a bit deeper into the forest wanting to go pick out flowers and making flower crowns.
   You noticed Poppy leading them away from the tree line where her and Ominis had disappeared to multiple times now – together or alone – and you wondered if behind there somewhere lay the other place Sebastian had mentioned when he showed you the cave. She led the girls towards a different area instead and they disappeared behind the trees and bushes there.
   Nerida and Garreth had gone off to the lake, she wanted to go practice her swimming more and since he wanted more leech juice, decided to join her, keeping an eye on her just in case she needed some help.

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