The call

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Wille's POV:
I was just sitting on my bed, scrolling on insta until someone called me. "No caller id" it said. It kinda terrified me since it was midnight, who would be calling me at midnight? I normally never answer those calls but I did today, and I'm so glad I did. As soon as the person started speaking, I knew who it was immediately. It was Simon. I was really confused since he was whispering and he sounded very panicked..
S: I'm sorry wille I'm so sorry..
W: Simon? What are you talking about? Did something happen? Are you okay? Talk to me.
S: I messed up... please help me I'm scared..
W: Simon where are y-
Call ended , 02:56 am
Shit.. what do I do? I'm starting to get really worried now.
I call him again. No answer. Again, again and again. I keep calling him, over and over again, I need to know where he is... I need to know if he's safe. What's making it even worse is that he sounded really panicked, he asked me to come and help him.
I call him again. And this time, he answers.
W: Simon what happened? Tell me your location and I'll be there asap.
S: I'm sorry for ending the call... I- shit- uhmm.. just stay quiet and don't talk okay?
I do as he says and stay quiet. With a worried look on my face I'm listening carefully to everything that's said. I can't hear it very clear, it's just screams... wait.. screams??.. "Shit." I whisper to myself as I'm slowly realising what's happening and where he is. I close my eyes and pray for him to be safe. What am I doing?! I should've already been in the car, I should've already been with Simon. I get up from my bed and grab my shoes. I sit back down on my bed to put them on, but as i sit down, I hear a loud noise.. it's kinda like a bang, kinda like.. a gunshot... It can't be.. right? No. That's not possible. I try to listen for voices, but after the loud noise it went silent. I quickly put on my shoes, trying really hard not to start crying. That wasn't a gunshot.. was it? No.. right? I can't lose him, I really can't. I stand up, grab my phone that's still calling with Simon, and run out of my room. As I'm running I end the call and text Malin to get into the car right now.

As I open the door I see that the car is already standing there waiting for me, ready to go. When I close the door behind me, my phone starts vibrating. I grab my phone out of my pocket to see who it is. "No caller id" it says again. I freeze. Please, please dear god let it be Simon. I pick up.
W: Simon? Is this you?
S: Yes, hey it's me.
W: Jesus Christ Simon, are you okay? Where are you? Are you safe?
S: well I'm not gonna call it safe..
W: Simon, what's going on?!
S: I messed up, I'm so sorry I messed up. I didn't want this to happen, I swear I didn't. My dad called me, he basically forced me to come over, so I did. I'm such an idiot for saying yes..  I ran outside, into the woods, I don't thi- I hope I'm safe here.
W: don't worry, I'm already on my way. Just make sure ur hiding, okay?
S: please hurry.. I'm scared.
W: I'll be there asap, okay? Just stay in the call, don't end it. Tell me when something is happening, alright?
S: okay. Thank you.
W: Ofcourse, just mute yourself, I'll also do the same. Unmute when something is happening okay?
S: okay.
I run into the car and put myself on mute. "What happened?" Malin asks me as I'm putting on my seatbelt. "Simon called me, he's hiding in the woods." She nods and starts the car. "Is he safe?" She asks me. "I hope so." I say looking out the window, feeing hopeless. I need to know if he's safe, I need to be with him, right now.

Posting part 2 later !! 🤞

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