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Simon's POV:
Idiot. Im such a fucking idiot. Everything I do is wrong and I can never seem to make right decisions. I said yes. I am so stupid, why did I say yes? An hour ago my dad texted me, asking if I wanted to talk. I said yes like how stupid can I be? Now here I am, on the football field  crying my eyes out. I always end up messing everything up. What do I do now? Who do I call? How do I tell mom and Sara? Would they be mad at me? God I'm such a mistake, I would call Wille but I don't want him worrying about me.

Wille's POV:
I'm really worried about Simon. I've tried calling him multiple times but he's not answering. I hope his phone is just dead or something.

2:03 AM

The whole night I've been worried, I haven't slept too. I've tried calling him 4 more times but still, no answer. I hope he's okay...

The next morning

As I was getting ready for my first class, still no texts or calls from simon. I'm really late so I don't have any time to call or text him to see if he's okay. I barely got any sleep too because I was way too worried for that, even though I'm pretty sure he's just fine... but what if something did happen and I wasn't able to be there for him? What if he got hurt? I would not be able to forgive myself even though it's not my fault- well maybe it would be my fault since I'm the person that should be here for him when he's upset. When I see him in class I'll just ask him.
When I walk into the classroom, he's not there. As I walk to my seat I look around the classroom just to make sure he's really not here. When I sit down, I look at Felice, who's sitting behind me. When she looks back at me, she knows exactly why I'm looking at her. She gives me a "I have no idea" look. She gets her phone out and points at it, she wants to tell me something.
Felice😚: Where's Simon? Have you seen him?

Me: No I haven't!! I've tried to call him so many times but he's not responding. I'm terrified something has happened to him.

Felice😚: Calm down Wille, im pretty sure we're just overreacting. I think he's probably sleeping in or something.

Me: I hope so.
Last seen.. 21 minutes ago.
I couldn't focus in any of my classes, so I decided to ditch my next class and go look for Simon. Lucky me, my next class is math. God I hate math so much.
When class was finally over I told Malin it was a emergency and that she needed to drive me to simons house. Luckily she didn't mind. When i arrived at Simons house, i got out of the car and immediately froze when I saw that the door was opened. I rushed inside to Simons room, what terrified me even more was that Linda and Sara weren't home. When I finally got to Simons room, it was empty. shit. Where do I look now? I was thinking of what to do, but then I suddenly knew where I had to go: the football field. He hangs out there a lot, I don't even know what he would be doing there right now, but it was my only hope. I ran outside to the car and told Malin to go to the football field. When we arrived there, I sprinted to the entrance, praying he'd be here.... When I walked onto the grass, I saw a figure laying on the ground. I couldn't see it very clear, it was still a bit dark outside since it was very early in the morning. As I got closer, I saw it, was him... I was right, I ran as fast as I possibly could, hoping he was alright. When I finally got to him, i sat next to him. "Simon.. Simon wake up!!" I was terrified. I tried to wake him up by shaking him, but Ofcourse it didn't work. I feel like such an idiot, I can't believe I wasn't there for him, god I'm such an idiot. I lifted him up, and ran to the car as fast as I could, with Simon laying in my arms.

Time skip ⏭️

Simon's POV:
I woke up in Wille's bed. My vision still blurry and I honestly have no idea what happened yesterday. My legs are covered in bandages. Wille sighs with relief when he sees my eyes open. "Wille? Is that you? What happened?" I asked him, but when I look at him I see him crying. "Jesus Simon you scared me, but I'm here now, you're safe with me" he says in a soft voice, squeezing my hand. "Can you come here?" I ask him. He carefully gets in the bed with me and when he's laying next to me he gives me a small kiss me on my forehead. I try to get in a comfy position, but it's hard for me to moves since everything hurts. He notices and helps me with it. When we're both in a comfortable position he softly strokes my back. "I love you" he says. "I love you too Wille, I love you so much."


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