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(This is before all the drama happened)

Wille's POV:
I woke up to my phone ringing, it was August. I open insta and go to his dm's.
August: you coming to the movie night tonight?
August: It's gonna be fun, I promise. Maybe you'll make some new friends too.
Me: Yeah, sure.
August: Great! See you there.
I really do not want to go, but since it's my 5th day here I think it's better if I do go. Maybe i will make new friends.
Time skip ⏭️
I walk into the room, and look around. Pillows, couches, blankets, food, mattresses... woah, I thought with 'movie night' he meant just watching a movie with friends, nothing special. But this is cool too I guess. I walk to an empty couch and sit down. I grab my phone from my pocket and check for new messages, but nothing. As I'm scrolling through insta, someone sits down next to me. I look up at the person and my eyes slightly widen. "You alright?.." the boy asks me and raises his eyebrows. "Uhm- yeah sorry." I say as I look away awkwardly.

No one's POV:
When everyone was watching the movie, Wilhelm couldn't stop looking at the boy sitting next to him. He kept looking at him, but then the boy caught him.
"What?" The boy asked smirking. "Nothing- absolutely nothing I just uhm.. have to use the bathroom." Wilhelm replied, then stood up and rushed out the room.

Wille's POV:
I initially was going to the bathroom but i somehow ended up outside. I honestly don't care I'm just glad I'm out of there. I walk down the little stairs and to a tiny wall and sit down. After a while I hear footsteps behind me. I turn my head and then I see who it is.. it's the boy from earlier. I quickly look back and feel my face get warm. "I thought you we're going to the bathroom" the boy says and he's walking towards me. "Fuck" I whisper to myself and close my eyes for a second, thinking about what to say, then look back at the boy. "Yeah, I just needed some fresh air" I reply. He walks down the small stairs and sits next to me on the wall. "My name is Simon" he says as he looks at me. "Wilhelm, but my friends call me Wille." I reply. 'friends'.. "Yeah I know your name" he says as he looks at me and smiles. I let out a small laugh and look down to my lap. "Well- yeah I'm sure you do" I reply, still laughing a bit.
"Wille? You here? Where ar you?" Someone shouts from behind us. I look back. It's august. "Shit shit shit- uhm-" I say as I get down on my knees, hiding behind the tiny wall. "What's happening?" Simon says as he also gets down on his knees. "It's just- I just don't wanna talk to him" I say peeking over the wall. We're both looking over the wall, waiting for him to go back inside again, until he looks in our direction. "Shit- get down!" I whisper loudly, pushing down Simon's head. He laughs. "Why are you laughing? This isn't- this isn't funny at all!" I whisper loudly again and he starts laughing even more. I look at him and he looks back at me. All we do is literally just stare in eachothers eyes for atleast 5 seconds, then i snap out of it. "Uhm- yeah- he's uhm- he's- he went-" i look down, close my eyes and take a deep breath. "You alright?" He asks, laughing. I nod. God, that was so embarrassing. I look over the wall once more to check if he's really gone, and then I stand up. He also stands up. Then we walk onto the path. But when we reach the tiny stairs, of course I had to miss a step and fall onto the ground. Can't forget to mention the fact I fell face first. "Oh Jesus- are you okay?" Simon asks as he kneels down next to me. I sit up and look at him. "I'm okay" I say, and start laughing. I honestly have no idea why I was laughing since that hurted pretty bad.. but okay. "Are you sure? There's like- blood on your face" he replies with a worried look on his face. I rub my forehead and look at my hand. "Oh wow" I whisper to myself. Then I look back at Simon. "Uhm- i think I'm okay" I say. Then Simon grabs my hand and helps me get up. When I'm standing up again my vision immediately turns blurry. I blink a few times trying to make my visions less blurry but that obviously doesn't work. I'm trying to catch my balance, still holding Simon's hand. Then, everything suddenly turned black.

YES!! I FINALLY PUBLISHED ANOTHER CHAPTER (be proud of me) ILL MAKE A PART 2 ASAP (also I'm sorry for being inactive, school started last week and I just didn't have any motivation)

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