The call (2)

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Simon's POV:
It happened again. I said yes. I'm such an idiot. I messed up again. I had to run away from him, he had a knife and was threatening to kill me. I can't believe my own dad threatened to kill me. I'm hiding behind a little cabin in the woods, waiting for wille. He said he would be here asap. He told me to stay in the call and unmute when something bad is happening again. I hope he's almost here since im honestly terrified. I'll just ask him.
S: Wille?
W:Yes? Are you okay? Did something happen??
S: No im fine I just- are you almost here?
W: Yes I think I'll be there in 2 minutes, do you wanna just talk untill we arrive?
S: yes please.
W: Okay...
W: Simon this is not your fault you know that right?
S: mhm.
W: Simon.
S: sorry.
W: stop apologising Simon.
S: okay...
W: We just parked the car, can you tell me a bit where you are?
S: I'm not that far into the woods, I'm hiding behind a small cabin.
W: I think I see th-
Call ended... 03:36
What? No no no no please tell me he didn't end the call.. this can't be happening right now.. as I turn of my phone and put it in my pocket I hear footsteps.. is it my dad? Please god, tell me it's not my dad..
"Simon?! Are you here? Where are you?" Thank fucking god, it's Wille. I could just cry right now. I finally feel safe again. "YES IM HERE" I shout. I stand up. Then I see him, he also sees me. "Simon.." he says as he runs into me and hugs me tightly. I immediately start crying..

I don't know if I'm crying because I'm hurt, or because I'm relieved and I feel safe now.

"I- I got so scared w-when you ended the call" I say, through sniffles. "I thought you heard me, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to scare you." He says. "Wh-what did you s-say?.." I ask him, still crying. "I said that I saw the cabin and that I was coming.. I'm sorry" he says. "Don't apologize, you didn't even do anything wrong." I say, removing my head from his shoulder to look at him. "Are you sure?" He says. He's almost crying... did I make him cry? Shit. "Yes, I'm sure. I love you." I say, slightly smiling hoping it will make him smile too. He doesn't say anything, he just smiles back. Thank god he's smiling again. I put my head back on his shoulder. We just stand there for a bit, hugging eachother. I don't know what would've happened if he didn't come and save me. I feel bad for making him help me though, it's like 04:00 right now. Im so annoying. What the heck am I doing? I need to fucking thank him for being here for me. I remove my head from his shoulder and look at him again. "Thank you Wille. Thank you so much for saving me." I say, trying really hard not to start crying again. "I didn't save you Simon, you saved yourself. I literally just got here, you did everything by yourself." He says. Did i? No i didnt, he saved me, I didn't save myself. "I wouldn't have been able to save myself if you weren't there to help me through everything. Thank you." I say as a tear falls down on my cheek. Great, I'm crying again. "Do you wanna go back to your house?" He ask me. "Yeah." I say softly, almost whispering. "Okay" he says as he grabs my hand and leads me back to the car. We open the door and get it. "To Simon's house" Wille said. Malin nodded.
He grabs my hand and looks at me. "I love you" he whispers. "I love you too" I reply, squeezing his hand.

It's really late so if I messed anything up do t blame me😭
I might make a part 3 but I'm not sure💗

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