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Izuku: *Gasp* Is this a Universe where I am a Villain

Dekupoo: No I-

Just then the door on the other side of the stage and everyone saw This

Just then the door on the other side of the stage and everyone saw This

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Eri: is that Baby Me 

Dekupool: Awww Eri how did you get out of your crib 

She crawled over to Dekupool giving everyone heart attacks of cuteness as she is picked up By Dekupool

Dekupool: Awww How is my Little Snowball

Baby Eri: *CUte Baby Noises*

Dekupool: hey Other me Wanna Hold Baby Eri 

Izuku: Yes 

Dekupool Gave Baby Eri to Izuku as He smiled 

Izuku: She is so Beautiful 

Meanwhile Izuku's Eri was being Jealous and pouted 

Gwen: Swee-

Eri Walked up and Hugged Izuku

Eri: *Angry Pout* My Daddy 

Dekupool: Too Cute

Izuku: DOn't Be Jealous Eri Your still My Little Princess Wanna Hold Baby You 

Eri: Sure 

Izuku Handed Baby Eri to Kid Eri as Both SMiled and Hugged each Other 

Dekupool/Izuku: *Collapses from cuteness* 

All: Uh oh 

After 30 Minutes bvoth Woke Up 

Both: That was dangerous 

Eri: Were the cute Squad 

Baby eri: *Rases fists in air* Hmph

Dekupool Put Eri in a crib as she fell asleep 

Dekupool: Okay in this one Izuku is the Grandson of Shredder 

Inko: But isn't he a Villain 

Dekupool: Yes  BUT Inko Midoriya and Hisashi Midoriya were High Ranking Foot soldiers and had a son as Inko was Shredders daughter but shredder was beginning a road of redemption until 6 years AFO kills Hisashi and Inko as Shredder was pissed and Izuku was left saddened and when Shredder goes to attack AFO he is killed and causes the Building to Collapse but Izuku is found by the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Izuku swears to get Vengeance from his family as he has their book on their techniques so he trains with his new family and Eventually falls in love but when they hear that AFO is in Japan Izuku prepares to Go to Japan to get Vengeance for his family

Izuku: Wow so are the Turtles like my brothers 

Dekupool: yes and Splinter is like a Mentor and is Trying to teach you about Vengece and we are gonna Watch when This Izuku FInds out where AFO is 



We see someone in armor In Armor Interogating a Villain

(Between the 2003 & 2012 Designs I can't decide which is my favorite)

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(Between the 2003 & 2012 Designs I can't decide which is my favorite)

Villain: S-Shredder You Died 

Shredder: I'm His Grandson and I'm on a Hunt Where is All For One 

Villain: I-I-I-I don't Know 

Shredder released one of his hands now holding the villain by one 


Shredder: where is he 

Villain: He is In Japan trying to Kill his Worst Nemesis All Might 

Shredder: Good 

Shredder slammed the Villain on the roof and headed Back to the Lair were he takes his helmet off revealing Izuku as a Rat and Turtles came out

Splinter: Izuku did you find him

Izuku: He's In Japan I'm going to Hunt him down 

Leo: You can't Go to Japan alone 

Izuku: I'll Bring Hinatsuru,Suma and Makio 

Splinter: izuku You can't let Vengence cloud your judgement you must meditate an-

Izuku: That Bastard Killed my Grandpa,Mom,Dad,and Uncles I'm Getting revenge Sensei I'm sorry but I have to do this to get closure 

Splinter Looked at Izuku and Put a Hand on his shoulder 

Splinter: Izuku you must not Kill him 

Izuku: I-

Splinter: There are many ways to get revenge but killing him won't mean the answer 

Izuku: Then How will I get my revenge

Splinter; that is for you to find out 


Raph: were coming with you

Izuku: Bu-

Donatello: The Mighty Mutanimals will take care of things around Here 

Izuku: Fine

Mikey: Lets go get your Girlfriends 


Rumi: who dates him in that Universe 

Dekupool: well Multiple women but the main are Hinatsuru,Suma,and Makio from Demon Slyaer

Gwen: no one will take our Izuku Izuku

Rumi: Yea we already claimed him in more ways than one 

AFO:"I'm so proud *Smirks*"

Dekupool: Okay Lets move on 

Inko: wait how does my baby boy Get revenge 

Dekupool: I don't want to spoil that because if I do my boss will permanently cut my balls off 

Guys:: Ouch 

Dekupool: Exactly so Lets Move on 

All: HAI 


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