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S.Izuku: Okay in this one Izuku Midoriya was neglected and abused by his friends and Family but they realized what they did and tried to make amends however Izuku Had released everything to the public even OFA as he Tells those who caused him pain needed to experienced what he went through and all might was pissed and attacked Izuku but a Portal sucked him into it where he landed on a world strange and weird where he meets a Man Named Meliodas and He tells him his story so him and Elizabeth adopt Izuku as he becomes the Eight Sin of Betrayal and changes his name to Nero but the demon King curses Meliodas and Elizabeth as Izuku was pissed and he spent hundreds of Years watching his mom die over and over again and one day in order to stop his mother from rgaining her memories he betrays his friends killing them and when they form The Seven Dealy Sins they are betrayed and split up and Izuku spends Years alone but one day when he finds Demons he kills them and that's when he senses a Group of People and Izuku walking out of his home see's His father with a Giant woman and Elizabeth as he begins to tear up but his father Quickly stops Izuku from Calling Elizabeth Mom reminding him about her curse and he swears to free his adoptive parents from their curses

Izuku: Wow that's a lot to take in 

Mirko: Iuzku is a Sin 

S.Izuku: yep and Rumi is a Main one in 

Mirko: AHA YES 

AFO: DOes your boss Like Mirko


Me:...........ULTIMATE WAIFU 

S.Izuku: Yes yes he does 

Izuku: I can't Blame him 

S.Izuku: anyways were gonna watch a scene of Izuku and His Parents talking to Merlin

All: Sweet


Merlin: so you want me to turn him into your son

Elizabeth: Yes he doesn't have any home 

Merlin: You do realize the Demon King and Supreme Diety will not like this 

Meliodas: fuck my Dad

Merlin: Yea i'd Rather not do that 

Meliodas; yea he's butt ugly 

Izuku: *Laughs* That's funny 

Merlin: are you sure he shouldn't go back

Both: Positive 

Merlin: Okay I Need a Hair from You Two

Both Plucked a Hair as Merlin put it into an orb and began to say a spell as she sent it through Izuku's Chest 

Izuku: GAH 

Izuku Was Sent into a Wall as everyone went to him and saw his appearance Change

Izuku Was Sent into a Wall as everyone went to him and saw his appearance Change

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Meliodas: whats up with his arm 

Merlin: A demonic Arm Quite Uniqe

Elizabeth: He'll need a Name now

Izuku: sits up* Call me *Smirks* Nero 


Izuku: SO I'm Nero Interesting 

S.Izuku: Yep and your pretty strong too Probably as strong if not stronger than your dad 

Mirko: so what Now 

Gwen: do we go back

S.Izuku: Yes and when you all go back live happy lives 

ALl: We will

S.Izuku sent them back as he went back to his


Yea I hate this book thats why i finished it off so early because I kinda hate how I wrote it

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