page six

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page six; The Man

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A MAN always stood in front of "Clairthnee's Bakery" with fliers on his hand. He was tall and tanned, and he is a pretty big man; muscles all around his arms, like hills pasted within his skin. His eyebrows would furrow, like he was angry, and his eyes glare, squinting with his mouth opening like he was trying to blurt out a horrible word. Silver would always try to avoid passing through Clairthnee's Bakery every time that man was around.

Today, the man wasn't. And Silver, after noticing and after a series of his make belief "Detective Sith; Is The Man There?" investigation (or, at most times... would call as a mission), he decides to use the pathway next to Clairthnee's Bakery to go to the local dog park.

As he paces in front of Clairthnee's, it's glass sliding door opens and the little bell above it rings audibly.

By this time, Silver prays in mind that it is not the man.

It wasn't.

Thank God, it wasn't.

Silver slowly turns his head to whoever came out of the sliding door.

"Good morning," said with full of glee. It was a woman.

It was Silver's first time seeing her. She had glasses and a ponytail, and she wore a pink T-shirt and a pair of jeans... like every other Clairthnee employee, probably. It was what the man wore too. And she had fliers in her hand too.

Her lips curve into a smile, and her hand reach out as she grips a flier. Silver takes it.

"Are you new around here?" She asked curiously.

"Probably. Since I haven't seen your face yet." Silver smiles a little.

"Oh. No, I just don't go out much. It's my first time distributing fliers. Usually I make the--" she stops herself, and smiles awkwardly "Oops. I'm talking too much again," she giggles then, Silver just awkwardly smiles back.

"Please come visit us soon," she said, beaming at him.

Silver glances down at the flier, a very artsy and well-designed one. Filled with different shades of pink and peach with bold and cute letters and pictures of cakes and cupcakes. His knobby fingers folds the flier and stuffs it onto his pocket as the woman wanders further away from him. Silver wonders if she had ever wondered if there was such a need for fliers to give to anyone in this town. The town was small, everyone knew each other and everyone knew everywhere, and everything about the little corners and the smallest of news. At least, that's what Mr. David had stated.  

Clairthnee's Bakery seemed to be the latest and most modern shop around, with all it's automatic sliding doors, modern cake stands and even their decoration, it wasn't hard to tell even for a newcomer like Silver. Other shops were built over two decades ago when the town didn't seem too sleepy and quiet, when it was only that way on the edges of the abandoned trash walls. 

As the woman wandered away, enough for Silver not to spot her with his own two eyes, he takes a good, long look at the bakery. He decides to take a visit, maybe just to look around. Presumably, he grew curious about where that tall, tan, muscular and terrifying looking man had gone. Well of course, he wasn't supposed to, but we're all destined to do things we're terrified of at some point anyway. And presumably, Silver decides that destined thing was going to be today. 

And presumably, he was intrigued by the taste of the cakes and cupcakes he saw at that flier, the one with different shades of peach and pink, the one with cute text designs on it. 

The bell within the shop rang audibly. 

"Welcome to Clairthnee's Bakery!"

A deep, loud and husky voice welcomed him. Silver jumped a little. 

He looked around for the direction of where the voice had come from, the voice that was seemingly chuckling. Silver felt mocked and gave out a loud sigh. 

"Sorry," the man, with furrowed and thick eyebrows and tanned and muscle filled skin had emerged from a door that stood in left corner. "Did I scare you?" he added, wiping his huge, stubby, tanned fingers against the pink apron that hanged on his neck, partly cover his huge body. 

Silver stood silently, all kinds of thoughts floating through his brain. 

"That was a stupid question," he marked before chuckling - deep he-he-he's coming out from his thick lips. "I scare everyone..." 

After Silver had heard his low chuckling he desperately tries to meet the man's eyes, and before he had said his last sentence, Silver skimmed through his eyes and thought he saw a glint of sadness. 

• • •


The man from Clairthnee's Bakery, the one that scared the shit out of me every time I saw him pass fliers around the corner, had made the sweetest blueberry cupcakes I have tasted. 

He isn't as terrifying as I have thought. Or has anyone have thought, probably. 

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