page five

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page five ; "Lost And Found"

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TONIGHT was as quiet as ever in the little town. All that's there as the moon shone above it was the sleeping town, and Silver. He was having a peaceful walk as the town lights lingered before the sun woke up again, as the motors that passed by occassionally shed a light and made a shadow, and the rare cars that came and went in the cold streets made a quick 'vrooming' noise. The sound of the booming music from the strip club a block ahead had irritated and, somehow, made Silver jealous.

He lost his 'night life' the moment he decided to be a tramp. A self proclaimed tramp.

Silver walked. Silently. He  blew out, thinking it was the cold air, thinking there'd be smoke that would escape his mouth. The night wasn't as cold as usual, and that made it hard for Silver to sleep. It's like, he is used to sleep when it's 'too cold'.

With his hands in his pockets, he sets his eyes down. He was still walking.

Silver gets a little thirsty and by that time, he spots a vending machine. He moves his hands a little in his pockets to check if he had any change, but he pulls out only a dollar bill in dismay.

"Ah!" He said loudly, spotting a woman slowly walk to her. Kind of like she was pacing like a zombie and it made Silver think twice of whether he should continue talking. It was pass 3 am, and nothing good ever happens after 3 am. Zombies are counted.

"Excuse me, ma'am... do you have any change for a dollar?"

He decides to continue anyway as the woman was closer than before.

"Fuck you!" she lashed out, raising her middle finger infront of his face.

"Just because I'm a fucking stripper doesn't mean I have change all the time."

"W-what..." Silver was left startled, his hand that reached out with a dollar in it froze. He eyes on her, it was hard to see her in the dark. She clenches her jaw, glaring at Silver with her eyeliner and mascara smeared all over. Her leather coat wrapped tightly around her body, showing the figures of her waist. Her fingers were slender and nails were painted.

Silver's eyes widened every moment he stared.

"Barbara?" He said

"Barbara With Pink Everything?"

She calms down, she drops her middle finger and moves away a little.

"Oh my God, you know me?"

He nods.

Barbara The Stripper with Pink Everything brought two cans of Pepsi in the vending machine, and they both walked over to the dog park and sat on one of the benches.

"So, yeah. Sorry about a while ago. I'm not sober right now." she said after cracking open her can of Pepsi .

"I'm Barbara with The Pink Everything who works as a stipper in Greater Bar. I am. And I guess I'll always will be."

She said it so sadly, like it was a lemon over scars.

"And I'm Silver." He said, smiling at her; but she probably couldn't see, because it was too dark. Because it was 3 in the morning; when nothing good ever happened. Because she was never used to smiles... just smirks and horny kinds of grins.

"Actually," she said after her first sip "I'm Nina."

She smiled back. At least, over the dark and above the little light the moon gave off, he thought she did.

"Still Silver."
He smiled back awkwardly, rolling his eyes away.

Nina laughs.

"Coke tastes better, by the way." Silver said before taking sip.

"Then you should become a stripper to get some change to buy your own."

"I might consider. I got the body for it."

"Show me..." Nina giggles.


"Show me."

"No way. Are you serious? A stripper is telling me to do that?"

"Why not? You're pretty cute."

"I'm a hobo."

"What? You don't look like one. You smell like lavanders. And you're pretty cute." she laughs "It's not a what... its a so what?"

They were silent, but they weren't looking at each others eyes under the stars like they were in some romantic novel. They just sat there. Silently drinking the other's preferred drink, and the other's not preferred drink.

"I hate this place." Nina said "I hate this dog park."

• • •

April 29, 2015

Barbara With Pink Everything has a lot of secrets. One of them was her real name being Nina, and (although not exactly a secret) prefers Pepsi rather than Coca- Cola.


She also hated the dog park.
Because she lost an old photo.

It was important to her. So important that she started sobbing the moment she stated her reason;

1.) Because it was the last photo she had with her mother
2.) Because there was a poem attached to it.

I found it.

• • •

[a|n] ;

i wanted to name the town "Tiawuk", because the inverted word order is my town rn.

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