attempted angst

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ghosty: lol I just took a quiz and i scored high

Deku: isnt that good tho?

ghosty: it was a social anxiety quiz

Deku: oh...

ghosty: my answers vary depending on the quiz but it usually turns out medium or high

Deku: thats not good

ghosty: oh i know. I joke about it but thats kinda my way of coping ya know?

ghosty: when really i regret almost every single thing i say. or do. things from MONTHS ago.

ghosty: anyways i want you guys to react to some angst

Mina: whyyyyyyyyy tho

ghosty: cuz you need to know about it

Mina: but whyyyyyyy

ghosty: so you can help the people its about

Mina: ok.

ghosty: thank you.

ghosty: anyways secrets may or may not be revealed

ghosty: *looks at some specific people*

ghosty: anyways.

ghosty: hmmmm who to start with...

Deku: why do we even have to do this in the first place?

ghosty: oh we dont HAVE to, I just weirdly like angst? not like it but uhhh... the fluff after it?

Deku: uhhh ok?

ghosty: you know the squads in class 1a yeah? 

Deku: I think?

ghosty: there are two squads with the most angst in them and the emosquad isnt one of them.

Jiro: really?

ghosty: yeah suprisingly! theres only like one or 2 people with angst in the emo squad wheras these 2 squads have almost every single member with angst!

Jiro: which squads?

ghosty: the murdersquad and the bakusquad.

Jiro: whats the murdersquad?

ghosty: oh right u guys probably know it as the dekusquad.

Deku: why do you call us the murdersquad?

ghosty: um well Iida nearly killed stain, Tsuyu almost killed Mineta, Ochako would do anything for money, Todoroki, is hiring assasins to kill his dad, and you have stolen all might merch from a dead man.

Deku: He would have wanted me to have it?

ghosty: u sure?

Deku: yes

ghosty: yeah idc ima just start 

ghosty: with umm kiwishima

Bakugou: Kiwishima?

ghosty: lol yes

ghosty: lol yes

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