Definatly very important newz im not trichink u

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Akaza: I hate u

Shinobu: U hate me

Akaza: Lets team up

Shinobu: and kill douma

Akaza: with an RPG

Shinobu: and a 4x4

Akaza: no more douma anymore

ghosty: hfrebvuierbvu stop-

ghosty: doumas important to the plot-

ghosty: kinda- i guess

Akaza: i came to take him back anyways


Akaza: n-no- theres just a- a meeting

Muzan: there isnt

ghosty: tsundures >>>

ghosty: like actually tho-

Akaza: L-lets just go

*biwa noise*

ghosty: cute

Shinobu: whos gonna help me kill douma now

ghosty: inosuke and kanao-

ghosty: maybe not inosuke tho- depends on the AU

ghosty: hes kinda his step dad a lil

Shinobu: next someones gonna be related to an uppermoon-

ghosty: Muichiro- Upper 1

Shinobu: TwT

ghosty: ikr

ghosty: also- can u help me think of a name for my readers-

ghosty: like i cant just keep calling them readers- like they need a name-

ghosty: like my little floofs- idk-

ghosty: possibly something that relates to my screen name- either d3d_fl00f_b4ll or ghosty

ghosty: my fellow ghosts

ghosty: little gravestones

ghosty: its hopless

ghosty: Y/N help me

Y/N: sorry- im worse at naming things than u r

ghosty: great. so helpfull

Y/N: ikr

ghosty: T-T

ghosty: this is painfull

ghosty: btw now that doumas gone, Y/N shall be my new assistant

Y/N: be worned i have worse speelling than inosuke

ghosty: stop- u know how to spell

Y/N: Noh I don

ghosty: u were spelling fine like 5 seconds ago

Y/N: noh i wanst

ghosty: wut-

ghosty: ur hopeless- 

ghosty: why did i hire u

Y/N: cuz i read the fine print, and do the taxes


Y/N: Onle somtims

ghosty: good enough

ghosty: igtg- btw Gerald is back- YAY

ghosty: hes got alot of work to do- does anyone have someone else i can hire to help him- Y/N is horrible at fixing things- i gave them a hammer and the hammer broke- and so did everything else


ghosty: NEVER fix ANYTHING EVER again

ghosty: stick to the taxes and fine print

ghosty: the job description, needs to be able to fix things properly, preferably something/someone odd, they need to have a name

ghosty: yeah thanks-

ghosty: biiiiiiiiiiii


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