chapter 5

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Notice: I don't own the picture above


"Wake up, you lazy one," Dana opened her eyes in annoyance, feeling a baseball hitting her head. She looked angrily and discovered that Adam was the one responsible. She glanced at the clock, and it was already 4:30. Oh, the training sessions were starting at five. Oh God, This undoubtedly would be an experience she would laugh about later, but for now, she felt like she was going crazy and suffocating to death.

She cast an angry look at Adam. She couldn't sleep a wink last night, and how could she? She was sharing a bed with two guys, both of whom preferred to sleep shirtless. Their snoring was so loud that it would prevent anyone within a hundred meters from getting any sleep. Just as she was beginning to doze off, she found Adam waking her up. Ugh, it was so disgusting.

Brad was finishing up his shower when she approached the bathroom, and she found him coming out with a towel. She felt disgusted once again. Must guys always behave so repulsively? She entered the bathroom, made sure to lock it securely, and then took her shower.

In just five minutes to five, she was ready to leave her room.


The gathering took place outside, with the leaders, Pete and Bridget, standing full of energy. Bridget sternly announced, "And now we shall begin our morning with vigor, our customary morning exercises."Everyone readily agreed . but what was going on? Shouldn't they start their day with breakfast first? And what are these typical morning exercises?

About two hours passed, and Dana was panting and drenched sweat. She foolishly expected ordinary exercises, but to her dismay, she didn't anticipate that they would engage in such strenuous workouts, including the push-up exercise. Pete was keen on making her perform it correctly, saying bluntly, "Your arm muscles are very weak for a man. You should do this exercise more often."

She obeyed his orders, gritting her teeth, while he watched her intently, noticing her occasional displeasure. Finally, the commander spoke, "And now, you have half an hour for washing up and having breakfast. In the changing room, you will find special attire. Put it on, and at seven-thirty, I want all of you lined up in a single row in front of the aircraft hangar. Understood?"

"Understood, sir," came the response from everyone, except her. He was giving them insufficient time. She barely had half an hour to have breakfast alone, let alone wash up and change clothes. But would they return? Why were they going by plane? She overheard William saying to everyone, "Let's shower in the training hall bathroom." They all followed him, except for Dana, who felt tense.

What did William mean? Was it a communal shower like the ones seen on TV? That was absolutely disgusting, and she couldn't imagine it. So, she trailed slowly behind them, and as soon as they disappeared into the bathroom, she hurried back to her shared room to shower there. But on her way, she collided with a human wall. When she looked up, she recognized the person, and it was a disaster. Pete gave her a suspicious look and snapped, "Where are you heading, Wilson? Don't you need to shower with your colleagues to avoid being late?"

She looked at him with anxiety and tension, and said, "Me? I was about to join them right away... but I needed to fetch something from my room first."

The commander's voice turned stern, "There is no time, Wilson. Return to your comrades."

Fury surged within her, and she glared at him, wishing she could strangle him to death. She needed to wash, and even if they were to kill her, she would not subject herself to using that communal shower. Despite her inner turmoil, she said nervously: "As you command, sir."

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