Chapter 4: Bithday boy

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Time: 7:00 am
Location: Mother ship

Whenever N wakes up in the morning he is always cheerful, but today he was even more cheerful. Today was his birthday.

N was getting himself ready for the day when he heard a knock on his door, when he opened it he was greeted by E and F "HAPPY BIRTHDAY".

The three drones spent the morning celebrating N's birthday, they each gave him a gift, F gave him a screw driver and E gave him a JC.Jenson branded pencil. It wasn't much, there wasn't even any cake, but N didn't care, he was with his friends and that's all he wanted.

To bad he got a transmission from M telling him to go to the hanger.

N was confused why he had been called by M to go to the hanger, he was happy to help in anyway he could and he thought it would be amazing to work with someone from squad Alpha, but deep down something was telling him that something was off.

All of N's worries flew away however when he got to the hanger and saw V leaning against a ship with her arms crossed looking as amazing as ever.

N walked up to her to try and start up a conversation "h-hey V-" said N, when V heard N talk she looked terrified as she jumped back "Oh god! What are you doing here!?" She spluttered out.

"I called him here, we needed a pilot for this mission" said M, seemingly appearing out of no where, V gave M a death glair.

N saluted M "so M about that mission, what is it exactly?" Asked N. "Well N remember back when you went to Iron-2?" M asked, N nodded his head, M continued "well you didn't get all of them so we're going to go back there and finish off the stragglers".
V let out an annoyed sigh "well then why are we here? Wouldn't the company want you to go with your team!?" She complained.

M snickered to himself "yes well that is true, but you are second on the leader board so this'll make it quicker".

V continued to frown "then what about him? He's the lowest on the leader board" V nodded to N, M wrapped his arm around N "well I personally recommended N to come with us, it is his birthday so he can get a bit of extra credit as a gift, improve his score. Plus he's a pilot so we won't be needing one of those workers".

N smiled "you mean I get to boast my kill count!?" N said excitedly, M looked down at him and grinned "yup". N embraced M in a hug "your the best brother ever" he said burying his face in his brothers chest, M looked down at him and just made a sinister grin.

V saw this and scowled. She knows that M is plotting something and she really doesn't want to go, but M out ranks her so she has to do what ever he says.

N was a little bundle of sunshine on the way to Iron-2, wearing his signature smile.

N was so lost in his own joyous thoughts that he didn't notice V was starring at him throughout the whole journey.

Time: 11:00 am
Location: Iron-2, weapons facility

When they arrived at Iron-2 M decided that it would be a good idea to split up to cover more ground.

They all went there separate ways. But V decided to follow N, she was careful and made sure that no one would see her as she watched over the innocent disassembly drone.

M was at a building with a gate with something scratching and banging on the other side. M used this stinger to dissolve the lock and release what was on the other side. A pack of the final design of the wolf-drone prototypes the hound-drones.

N was flying from building to building scouting out the "prototypes". Suddenly M flew up to him "N there you are! I found the prototypes let's go before they escape!" M quickly hurried N towards an empty warehouse.

N crashed in through the ceiling.
He froze when he saw a pack of robot dogs...

N loved dogs.

N was horrified, realising why M had brought him here. N slowly turned his head around to see M "kill them" M said coldly, "b-b-b-but t-t-there d-d-d-dogs" N said extremely scared.
M looked at N coldly "You're as f*cking pathetic as I thought, bitch" M then grapped N by the back of the head and slammed him into the concrete floor.
M looked up at the hole in the ceiling N made and saw V, he gave her a sadistic, toothy, smile.

V was indescribably mad at M, she felt as if she was going to fly right at him and give him a piece of her mind. But then she remembered what M had said:

'Oh for f*cks sake V we've been over this hundreds of times! If you don't go near N then he won't be going near his sister anytime soon! Got it!?'

V gritted her teeth knowing there was nothing she could do.

N slowly raised his head out of the ground and looked towards M who was standing next to the hound-drones, "well then N, if you're not going to do you damn job, then I will!" M then impaled one of the hound-drones with his wing and ripped it in half to the absolute horror of N.

N screamed out in protest of M's actions but that only made M more violent and sadistic.

This was all too much for V. She flew out of there as quickly as possible not wanting to see N in anymore pain.
As V flew away she desperately needed something to get her mind off of what she witnessed. And she knew just what would help.

Two workers walked past an alyway talking about how someone has released the hound-drones. Without warning, V's claws shot out of the alyway and pulled the two into the darkness.

M continued to kill off all the hound-drones, slowly and painfully. The worst part is that they didn't fight back, hound-drones are designed to fight alongside verified disassembly drones, and since M is a verified disassembly drone they obediently sat and let him rip them apart.

V stood over the brutalised corpses of the two worker drones, laughing maniacally with an X on her visor. The reason why V kills so much is because to her it is an escape, away to become this badass psychopath drone that has a high kill count and is completely emotionless, something she is not.

After V was done she flew back to the ship, not wanting to be seen around the corpses since disassembly drones are only supposed to kill rouge drones, hence why they call there prey rouges instead of workers.

After M had killed off the entire pack of  hound-drones he turned and looked at N, an X on his visor "Hey N I do believe that you haven't had a cake for your birthday since there aren't any on the mother ship. Well at least not any you'd get. So how about you have this instead" M picked up a chunk of a hound-drone and slowly walked towards N, N pleaded for his brother to stop, tears streaming down his visor. 

Time: 10:00 pm
Location: Mother ship

J was walking down the hallway with an angry expression on her face. She then saw just who she was looking for, N, speed walking down the corridor with his head down.

J grabbed N by the shoulder, "N where the hell have you been!? I know it's your birthday but you can't just leave the mother ship without permission!!?".

After J said this M walked up and put his hand on N's shoulder "oh don't worry he was with me. I do believe that high ranking drones like myself can do such a thing". J sighed, M wasn't actually allowed to do that, but being the highest ranking disassembly drone gives you the benefit of being able to do anything and getting away with it.

J sighed "alright fine, just tell me next time, I could of falsely reported N as missing" M just waved her off "yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever you say, now run along N"

M patted N on the back. But N didn't respond, he just continued to keep his head down, hiding his face, and walked on into his room.

When N walked into his room it was dark, as expected, but there was a dim light on his dest next to his bed.

On the top of his desk sat a single lonely cup cake with a lit candle on top of it.

N had only heard rumours about the cupcake, something only given to the best disassembly drones on their birthdays by the company, so he had no idea how it got there but either way he was happy that someone cares enough about him to get him this.

After N blew out the candle his room was once again engulfed in darkness, helping hide his quiet sobs.

Little did N know that V was watching over him from a vent above him, she was the one who got him the cupcake.

V stayed with N all night until both of them fell asleep.


Authors notes:

Firstly drones can't each food so I have no idea why they like cake so much.

But anyway thank you for reading my first fanfic ever. These past couple of day have been amazing knowing that people like my fanfic since, as of writing this, it has crossed 100 reads.

For all my fellow eNVy shippers out there I hope that this chapter has some what satiated your hunger. I have been on the top of the New chart on Nxv for to long now. And if you are writing an eNVy fanfic, don't feel pressured, take as long as you want and remember to have fun.

Anyway I hope you all have an amazing day because your all amazing!

Character funfact:

M is extremely inspired by the twins own serial designation M. The idea of N's evil brother was to cool to not do and M just works as a name for N's brother.

 The idea of N's evil brother was to cool to not do and M just works as a name for N's brother

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