Chapter 13: Running Up

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The office was subdued, just like Arthit. Everyone was either keeping their heads down and doing their job or they were secretly working on their projects and didn't want anyone stealing their idea. Arthit, Kongpob and P'Earth had finalized their design and were in the process of figuring out if it was viable and cost-effective.

He knew for a fact that Todd and P'John were further ahead. Not because he'd been spying but because P'John couldn't stop bragging every time they passed another milestone. Everyone was distracted, which is probably the only reason nobody noticed that he and Kongpob were closer than ever.

They should have.

His mate basked in Arthit's attention, and his obvious joy permeated the entire office with each passing day. Everyone was a little more upbeat; a little calmer. P'Earth smiled more often and told a lot more random stories while they worked. Todd had taken to calling him Mr. Sun just for the fun of it—his normal, sunny disposition taking on a near-manic cheerfulness. P'Som-O was practically giddy for no apparent reason yet she didn't seem bothered by it. P'John managed not to be as obnoxious as always.

He dared not imagine how Khun Danai was doing.
It was the best way to approach the final competition.

They completed their presentation and handed in the worksheet with all their specifications and illustrations before the deadline just like everyone else. Arthit felt confident about their idea, but he kept that information to himself while they waited for the decision. If he could have found a safe place, he would have pulled Kongpob into a supply closet, or bathroom, or office, but he dared not break his own rule.

Not at work. He admonished himself.

If you have to remind yourself, you're not doing a very good job.

Arthit looked up to find Kongpob staring at him with longing. He had a sheaf of papers ready to fax but he stood transfixed to the spot. Arthit face heated at the thought of being caught. Denial wouldn't work.

"Do you need help with that?" P'Earth asked when she walked into the room with her won sheaf of papers. That galvanized him into action. He sent his fax, avoiding eye contact the entire time, and he left the room quickly. P'Earth looked at Kongpob and asked, "Is he alright?"

"He's fine. I'm sure it was nothing."

It wasn't nothing. Arthit couldn't believe he was that easily shaken by his desire but it felt it had been an age since... He didn't let the thought reach its natural conclusion. It was hard enough to control himself without the constant need to wrangle his stray imagination.

Luckily, the results of the in-house competition were announced distracting him and everyone else.

"Does it always come out that fast?" Arthit asked P'Earth.

"No. They usually deliberate for a lot longer," she told him, refreshing her phone in the hope that another notification had followed the first but, just like Arthit's, there was nothing but the declaration that they had a winner.

"Is this bad or good?" Kongpob asked from where he was watching the both of them.

"I don't know," P'Earth said, looking up at him. "I guess we'll find out shortly."

P'Som-O came rushing into the room. "P'John and P'Todd won."

P'John let out a crow of victory. Todd was a little more subdued, but he looked very pleased with himself. Arthit noted that the two didn't touch. Not a bro-hug, not a pat on the back, not even a high five. The change he'd noticed before was more obvious. Todd was still weary of P'John despite their alliance.

"Well," Khun Danai said to get their attention, "it seems like we have the good fortune of having both the winner and the first runner-up from our department. I'm sure you all know that John and Todd won the prize this year. Earth, Arthit, N'Kong, you came in second and I am pleased to inform you that, other than the lower production cost that John's team quoted, your smokeless grill was an excellent idea."

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