#24 Hello Babies

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Ashton: it was currently May 21st, a day after your little man was suppose to be born. You loved this child was your whole heart but you wanted him out, and you wanted him out now. Nine months was far too long and the due dat was yesterday so you had enough.

You (and Ash of course, he wanted to finally meet his son) tried everything to induce labour, eating curry and pineapple, nipple stimulation (if you don't know what that is I suggest you search it up) and you even tried having sex, Nothing!

You were really tired so you just decided to put it on hold and have a rest and of course to your luck as soon as you sleep (which you haven't gotten very much of these last few months, and won't be getting much of for the best 18 or so years) your water breaks.

Calum: Only a week left then your little girl would be here, Cal was so excited that he nearly screamed the other night, you were excited but you were scared because from what you've hurt childbirth was extremely painful and you didn't think you would be able to handle that much pain, it's like pushing a watermelon out of a grape.

Cal had calmed you down because he could tell you were scared and he was amazing but then your water broke and you could see he was just as scared as you were, "Cal I'm not ready for this....."

Luke: you were having triplets in a matter of days and you couldn't be more scared.... Three babies was a lot to handle, one was hard enough but you knew you could do it! After your dad left (go with the flow please) you had to help your mum look after your younger siblings and that was tough but you did it.

Your family had a history of their waters breaking when they were sleeping and just like your mother and her mother and her mother ect it happened to you.... Your precious little angles where on their way!

Michael: You were two days over due to meet the twins so you thought that you would go to your best friend (Y/B/F/N)'s house to pass time. She had recently bought a new couch set which, in your and the babies opinion was very comfy so you took full advantage of that. You spaced yourself out on the whole couch, (Y/B/F/N) didn't seem to mind in the slightest.

"(Y/N) I'm going to grab a drink do you want anything?"
"Just a water pleaseeeeee babe!", for you and her it was completely normal to call each other baby or baby and baby girl or gorgeous ect the same wa it was normal for Michael and yourself to say it to each other. But then your water broke.

"(Y/B/F/N) MY WATER BROKE!" And incomes her little boy William screaming,
"don't worry I'll fix it!"

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