Chapter 6 - The Weight

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June, 1944

She had never put much stock into her dreams - they were mere flashes of images to entertain her in her sleep.

This however, she did contemplate gravely. Her sleep was abruptly stopped each time when she saw the reoccurring sequence; her friends and family being caught within the line of fire. The nightmare was usually accompanied by a chilling cold sweat.

George Luz reminded the girl that they all were beginning to have those kinds of dreams. It was temporarily reassuring, she was grateful for her friend's gentleness towards her.

The nights since D-Day were filled with persistent stress, blood, bandages, and troopers. All Josephine Lambert had time for was - not in the slightest to be idle - but instead maybe a few hours of sleep and a quick shower before long shifts in the aid station.

The girl stood in anticipation as Winters crossed the road to come up to her. After Sainte-Marie-du-Mont, Colonel Sink had spoke with the C.O.s of Easy Company about Jo. Her unprecedented effort as a woman on the front line earned her the respect of the nation. Winters gladly showed her the news clippings regarding her 'bravery to help the men in combat' just a few days prior. That kind of reaction was not something she would have expected at all, but there were more pressing things in that moment.

"Lambert." The Captain greeted as he presented himself before her.

"Sir." Jo acknowledged the man.

Even under his watchful eye, she felt like she could be herself around the man. Captain Winters made sure to check in on the medic - a duty he made to himself since D-Day - after he found out just how young she was, not even twenty years old yet. Jo's birthday would be spent in France as they fought in war.

"Easy Company's moving out." Winters told the girl. "We're headed to Carentan."

She processed his words, and, with a delayed reaction, she realized that he was giving her the unofficial role as a combat medic. Jo's eyes lit up with admiration.

"You'll move out with second platoon."

Jo nodded as a wave of hope and determination washed over her.

The corner of Winters's lips quirked up and he patted her shoulder before joining the troopers.

Josephine Lambert breathed in through her nose and out through her mouth before she took strides to her friends. George Luz caught sight of her nearing figure with knitted brows.

"What are y'doing here?"

"I'm your new medic."


"Where the fuck is everybody?!" Welsh cried out with his back pressed flat against the stone wall.

Countless rifles fired all at once with occasional mortar shells setting off. Jo grimaced as she realized that only three troopers of East Company began to invade Carentan. A medic, a radioman, and a C.O. The whole platoon had been originally ordered to run into the town, so what the hell happened?

Luz shot off a couple rounds of his ammo around the edge of the building. There was a loud boom that shook the land - the girl's knees almost gave out underneath her.

"Where did everybody go?" Their C.O. yelled.

"I have no idea!" Luz panicked while firing some more. His hands shook when a large chunk of the building blew off the corner, the remnants of artillery creating major damage to the town.

Jo squinted her eyes but began to see troopers running towards the town. Most fell to the ground as they were shot on sight, it had become a bloodbath and they were out in the open.

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