Chapter 17 - The Master's Call

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For the remainder of the week, Josephine kept close to Luz and Malarkey. It wasn't like she believed that they were ticking time bombs that were ready to go off, but they definitely were on ice that seemed to be getting thinner. 

Muck and Penkala weren't as lucky as Toye and Guarnere - if luck is even what you'd call it. 

The nurse hadn't been able to leave the outskirts of Foy, which is where their new location was at, and she couldn't visit Buck, Toye, or Guarnere. 

All of her anxieties were on a rampage as she thought about them. But deep down, she knew they would be alright. 

Yet, no amount of hope could keep the nightmares away, for what she saw would haunt her for the rest of her life. They weren't just any soldier she fixed up, they were Joe Toye and Bill Guarnere. These men were her lifeline out there in the forest. She knew it would be difficult to carry on for much longer out there, especially with the tension between the company then. 

"I still can't believe she stood up to Speirs." 

Luz's voice brought Josephine down from the cloud of thoughts that had whisked her away. 

"I mean- that man, if he even is one, could've-"

He paused for a second to yawn. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't catch the last part of that, George." She grinned. 

He proceeded to yawn-talk and make exaggerated movements to tease her. 

"No seriously," Jo pushed his shoulder. "Finish!"

"You know what I meant, Malark." He turned to the man to the left of him. "Right?" 

The pair looked over at him and saw his eyes caught on something distant. But then he straightened up and made a 'hm?' noise. 

"Sorry, I wasn't listening." 

Josephine felt her heart ache as she recognized the behavior he was exhibiting. She had done the same for Henri, it was only natural. 

"It's okay, Luz wasn't really talking." 

This earned her a kick to the leg. 

The trio fell into a silence after that and watched as the snow lightly fell down. It was a Tuesday, Josephine at least thought, and the weather was getting colder for the frigidity of a typical January. 

But, nothing beats the cold frost that came the morning that Easy was going to attack the town of Foy. Maybe it was the anticipation that made it worse, all the men and Jo could do was just sit at the edge of the tree line with nothing but their thoughts. 

The young nurse sat with her back against a large tree, checking and counting the items in her aid bag. 

"You're counting it again?" 

The question became the next audible thing after the gentle clicks of the troops cleaning their rifles and machine guns. 

There was a realization that dawned on her then. She had gone through her collection a myriad of times, all of which she didn't know how many. 

"I've seen you do this at least seven times, Lambert," Lipton said and kneeled to her eye level. "Are you doing okay?" 

A light snort came from her and she pointed to the men surrounding them. 

"I think you should be asking them- they're going to be the ones with guns 'a blazing." 

Lipton spared his glance to the soldiers but ultimately rested back upon her. 

There was something pragmatic in the way he looked at her - Josephine was sure he was looking right through her. 

"Maybe, but I'm asking you." 

Her shoulders sunk at the enunciation of the last word. 

"I'll be fine." She meekly said. Her next words were put on pause as she looked to where Dike sat. "I'm just worried about him." 

Lipton nodded in understanding. 

"I'll be leading second though, I'll keep an eye out for you." 

She shook her head immediately at that.

"No, you don't have time to worry about anyone other than your men." 

"That includes you." 

Josephine looked back at him and he could see her ease up from the amped up nerves. 

Her eyes then went to where Dog Company waited. 

"Y'know, he asked me to watch your back in case you are sent out there." 

Her eye brows pinched together at that. 


Lipton sighed before speaking with a slight smile. 

"I think you know who." 

This should've put her at ease, Josephine thought, knowing that Ronald Speirs was looking out for her. He had the capability and the rank to do so. However, it just made her brew with frustration. She had a job to do. And she was in Easy Company, not Dog Company, nor was she a broad back home - and he wouldn't let her do her job. 

The only question she could ask herself was- why?


A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, this is just a filler for the next one! Get ready for some action....

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