FIRST DAY OF DAYCARE! (With browser)

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Bowser's POV:
Me and Luigi were eating "Luigi?" he looks up this has been the first time we spoke since we got back to my kingdom "Luigi are we still together?" Luigi was blushing but cleared his throat "yes b-bowser we are still together actually you umm wanna help me take the kids to daycare tomor-" I walked up to Luigi grabbed his face "MY KIDS GO TO DAYCARE AND I DIDN'T GET TO SEE JUNIORS FIRST DAY OF DAYCARE!" Luigi nods I was now blushing how weird and cute his face was in between my hands I couldn't help but kiss him after I pulled away we were both blushing and I pulled my hands off his face and walked off to "our" room actually its my room but he's been sleeping in here I went straight to bed in the morning I woke up with Luigi on my chest and the alarm going off I wake him up and he helps me wake up the kids and get them ready

Juniors POV:
I woke up to dad waking me up? That's a first but I guess it makes sense since he's back I got dressed and ready for daycare with my brothers and my sister Wendy in the car Luigi and browser driving and dropping us of to the daycare I walk in with my siblings we all split up to our own groups Wendy with the fashionistas, Roy with the 90s kids, Iggy and Lemmy with the nerds, mortan jr. with the boxers, Larry hang out with the jocks, Ludwig goes to the music room with the music kids I hang with the art kids drawing till lunch I try to sit with my siblings like usual but they moved away so I ate in the bathroom this has been happening more and more but when we are home they actually are normal I don't know about the sudden change but I think it's cause of the new kid they've hung out with I don't like her I've told Suki she says maybe they wanted space today when we got home I went to my room and locked myself in my room crying about how upset my siblings made me today my dad and mom unlock my door concerned asking what happened

Guys should junior tell them
Also thank you all for the support y'all have given me I love you all for it

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