part 5 ☆ "dont get it twisted"

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I went and sat by the camera man, I watched Tokio hotel enter, a lady interviewer welcomed Tokio hotel and asked them to sit down.

"haha welcome Tokio hotel she said again, so we've heard tom has a girlfriend, is she here with us today?"

Bill nodded, "yes she's here but she doesn't want to be apart of the interview"

The interviewer, nodded, "so tom are these rumors true, you have a girlfriend?"

Tom smiled "yes, her names Juliette Nadine", "your girlfriend is the Juliette Nadine?", " Your joking" the interviewer said while laughing,

"No I'm not joking tom" said while smileing, "you have a very famous girlfriend Mr kaulitz", "she is a very pretty girl",  Bill nodded, "they were up all night" georg said while laughing, "so Juliette Nadine has finally got a boyfriend people", the crowd cheered, "Bill we recently heard that Juliette was your first kiss can u elaborate on that please"

Bill laughed "haha yeah"

"So actually Juliette was Tom's first kiss when we were 7",  "Juliette was the prettiest girl at our school and she was dating tom"Bill said

"wow so you guys are young lovers" the interviewer said while winking at tom

"Yes so me and Juliette were going out when we were 7 up to when we were about 12 because she moved to America with her mom, and Bill was complaining about no girl liking him so I asked Juliette, at school to kiss him, well u see Juliette was a goody two shoes, and she knew not to kiss anyone she didn't love so since Juliette and Bill were best friends I asked her to kiss him, but Bill tried to steal Juliette away from me, which is why I got very jealous

"oh yeah I remember" georg said "she was definitely the hottest girl at school she was the only girl with tits and ass when we're 12" georg said

Bill smiled "like every boy at our school wanted Juliette but for some reason she only wanted tom and tom would always annoy her by saying Juliette can we sleep together"

"Or by saying Juliette ur the only girl I wanna do it with please, because at the time tom had gone through puberty and he was getting horny, but Juliette always said no but she was the first girl he saw naked, she let him touch her just never down there, which confused me because every girl threw themselves at tom, but tom all ways stuck with Juliette"

"and she promised Tom when they were old enough they could have sex which she kept that promise but tom, tom was so sad for years when Juliette left he used to bully every girl that talked to him and I was so sad to, then we heard when we were 14 that Juliette was a famous model, and tom got so pissy he couldn't see Juliette, because the band wasn't as well known as it is now, after a while me and Juliette met up a few days ago by then she was super famous so tom thought he couldn't stand a chance until Tokio hotel got famous and now they're together, but every guy still wants Juliette and every girl still wants tom so it's not very different from when we are kids" Bill said while smileing,

Tom smiled, "yeah me and Juliette have always loved each other", "that's so cute" the interviewer said

"okay so this morning we were informed that there were photos of you and Juliette kissing"

"is this also a rumor?"

"No it's not" tom said while smiling.

"Is their any more hit songs?",  "We can't say" Gustav said while smiling,

"Bill you are best friends with Juliette"

"yes" Bill says

"how does it feel knowing she's dating your brother?" The interviewer asked

That Boy Is Mine : Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now