part 9 ☆ new girl

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I saw that bill was nervous, i hugged him, its okay bill, tom looked at me, you cant wear that to school juliette, i looked down at mt clothes, why, thoes shorts ade way to short and that shirt is to tight, i frowned but all my clothes are like that, he shrugged if u get called to the princebal office not my problem, i rolled my eyes, fine ill get changed

I walkes back into the lounge, im dressed, tom pushed his head back onto the couch, juliette he groaned, what i said while stareing at him, you cant wear that either, look ur whole cleavage is showing, i walked back into toms room,

I shook my head, school friendly, i instantly ran to bill who was in the lounge with tom, bill i yelled, bill and tom looked at me, what julzs bill said while smileing at me, can u help me find a outfit kid friendly, he nodded, tom looked at us, bill walked me to his room,

Okayy lets see, bill pulled out some clothes, he then said i got it,
He passed me the outfit i put it on,

I walked out into the lounge, tom looked at me, its kinda sexy for school isnt it, i looked at tom, well i have barely any normal clothes, my wardrobes a slut, tom started to laugh, billed made a kissy face to me, its perfect, now ur hot and pretty for school, i tilted my head, i kinda wanna be smart, bill cut me off, your gonna have to join toms classes julzs, i nodded, why, princebal said they have no time to test since its late in the year, bill said while rolling his eyes, i kissed tom, lets go baby, i was exspecting a car but tom and bill started walking, i looked at them huh? I said while being confused, tom and bill looked at me, we walk to school remeber, i tilted my head, we rode bikes to school, i ran up and walked with them, tom put his arm around my shoulder, im scared what if its like primary, dont be babe, just stay with me, ill introduce tou to my friends in class, me tom and bill walked to school, when we got there a bunch of girls ran up to me and said juliette nadine! I smiled hello, they all kept asking for my autograph, haha ill do you one better and give you tom and bills autograph, the girls scream yay, i smiled softly at tom and bill, they were grinning, tom held my hand, him and bill started laughing, lots of people started stareing at me, i nudged tom what are they looking at, tom looked around i dont know, probally your tits,

(I speak german fluently)

Why would they stare there, i asked, tom started smirking, german girls tend to have small tits at 16, i looked down at my chest, i started to get nervous, tom noticed this, baby your gonna be fine, there just looking because ur new and ur really pretty, i looked around, all of the girls were flat cheasted, no youre right, its because i have tits, i crossed my arms, i tugged toms jacket, please, he smiled dont get it dirty, fine, he gave me his jacket, i put it on, tom looked at me, it suits you, i smiled, bill was scared, i hugged bill, where to you eat at lunch? Bill looked at me, you cant eat with me you have to eat with tom, huh, why? Because you will get bullied bill said, bill i dont know where you get the idea that im going to leave you alone at lunch, just no, i dont care if i get bullied, plus i dont wanna eat with tom and his friends, tom cut me off, yes you are, you cant hang out with bill at lunch he eats in the toilet, i hugged bill again, bills eating with us then, bill bit his lip, tom wont let me, i turned to tom, tom he can eat with us right, tom looked down, fine i guess, bill started squealing, i hugged bill calm down, me and tom will meet you uh wherever if you see us just come over, tom walked me to class, he cant eat with us my friends dont like him, i tilted my head it will be fine, tom sat down with his friends, i looked around i saw an empty chair next to tom, i heard toms friend say whos the new girl, tom turned, thats juliette, mmh pack that ass up, you know her number? Tom had a angry stare, she has a boyfriend, the boys started laughing, tom rolled his eyes, just ask her dude, tom nudged my arm, what, i said, my friends want ur number, no, i said while turning around, she said no, tom said to his friend, the friend smirked playing hard to get, watch this tom, the boy walked up to me, tom was watching us, the boy smiled at me, your new here, i nodded, well you dont know anyone? I do, okay well why dont you sit beside me, no thanks, the boy looked at tom, tom was smirking, tom shouted to the boy, i can see ur boner, the boy punched toms shoulder, he walked back to his seat, shut up tom, not like you could do any better, tom smirked, bet, tom walked up to my desk, hi juliette, hello tom, whats wrong, the teachers coming soon, you should sit down, tom looked at me, he lifted my chin up to face him, then he kissed me slowly, he pushed his tounge down my throat, after he kissed me he grabbed my face and whispered meet me outside, he sat down beside me again, his friends had shock on their faces, tom turned to look at them, what? How did you do that you cant kiss someone you dont know, who said i dident know her tom said, the friend rolled his eyes, the class was so boreing so i got out of my chair and walked outside, tom started laughing, fuck up tom, his other friend ran after me, hey are you okay, i nodded tom walked outside to, he was leaning on the classroom door, the boy smiled at me, Sorry about thoes two, there idiots, they dont ussauly do this, i nodded, its fine, tom grabbed my hand, come on julzs, you gotta go sit down our teachers coming, i walked back inside, i sat down in my chair,

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