part 8 ☆ miley

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I smiled okay, shes in my room right now georg said, lets go say hi, me gustav georg and bill, came into the room, i look behind me, tom are you coming, tom looked at me, no, mileys a snake, be careful of her tom said while looking at the ground, miley jumped on georg, hiii everyone she said, wheres my tom, i looked at her, uh hes in the lounge i said, oh my gosh, juliette nadine, your so pretty in person, i have to show my tom you, miley pulled my arm, to tom, tommy! She screamed how are you, oh my gosh tom! Look its juliette nadine, tom looked at miley, yeah i know shes my girlfriend, miley let go of my arm, huh? Girlfriend? She chuckled, oh my gosh thats so funny tom, not really tom said, miley glared at me, bill rolled his eyes why are you here miley, haha to see you guys of course georg hugged miley, miley this is juliette by the way, he said, i know, she said while hugging tom, tom pushed her off him, go away miley, oh my gosh you cant still be mad about me cheating that was so last year, she said while laughing, tom rolled his eyes, no its just you stink, now fuck off, miley pretended to cry, your so- so mean she said, bill started laughing, and tom just stared at her, tom! Why did you say that georg said, because mileys a rat, miley stood up thats not what you said last time i was here, you were praticly begging for me, tom rolled his eyes, whatever miley rat, gustav came and sat by me, we all hate her, but georg, i think shes pretty, i said, tom scoffed wait till she takes off that make up, exscuse me miley said im not ugly, plus i bet juliettes even uglier without make up, i looked at her, i went to the kitchen and wiped my face,

What my face looked like after i took off my make up:
Ughh miley said you probally had your face done she said while rolling her eyes, i dident but i can tell you did and its defentily botched, i covered my mouth, tom started laughing and so did bill and gustav, whats botched mean she asked while sniffiling, tom started laughing ur a dumb rat, miley started crying she stomped into georgs room, that was only a tiny bit funny, georg said, miley came back out in a swim suit lets go swimming, she looked really pretty, i admitt i was jelous because even tom was looking at her, omg miley thats a great idea lets go swimming guys bill said, i went into toms room and grabbed, my swim wear,
What i wore:

I felt nervous going out of the room because of how big my breasts were and my ass, i brushed my hair,
What my hair looked like:
I stared down as i walked out, i was glad they were all outside by the pool i was about to step outside when i saw tom, he was stareing at me, what i said while smileing, you look beautiful he said while hugging me, i pressed my head oh his shoulder, do you think im fat, i asked him, no of course not, ur really skinny, you just have curves, curves i asked, tits and ass, he said while kissing my fore head, ill be out in a minute, i walked outside, everyone stared at me, bill jumped up, juliette you look so sexy, georg fell off his chair and gustav wouldent stop stareing, i turned around to look at the hotel door, tom was walking out, i smiled as he grabbed my hand, you look pretty baby i said as i kissed his cheek, i went to sun bathe, on a sun batheing chair, i put on my glasses, and layed in the sun, i kept catching tom licking his lips at me, suddenly someone blocked my sun, tom picked me up, tom i screamed put me down, he stood by the edge of the pool, no, no please tom i screamed, he jumped in, i held onto him, like i was about to fall off a cliff, i rose back up from the water, hey! I screamed, tom started laughing, i was sun batheing tom, i quickly felt my breasts, i felt realived as my bra was still on, suddenly tom came behind me, and lifted me onto his shoulders, i looked down, tom what are you doing now i asked, he said where playing a game, i looked at georg who had miley on his shoulders, no im not playing put me down, miley put her arms up, im gonna win, tom and georg charged at eachother, miley put her hands on my boobs and tried to push me, i pushed her off georg tom looked at me, ur so strong, but you look weak, miley said, well it must be a pity to look and be weak, i said while rolling my eyes, tom u can put her down now miley said while touching his abs, tom put me down, bill looked at miley, pick me, he said while laughing, bill came up to me and hugged me, miley kept touching toms abs i came up to tom and hugged him, he kissed me and lifted my up to the side of the pool, we made out for a few minutes before miley told us to get a room, i looked down, im starting to hate her, he lifted my chin up and kissed me more, i put my arms around toms neck, your making me horny, tom whispered into my ear, i leaned back, my boobs started bouncing up and down, tom looked at them, were fucking after this juliette, i winked looking forward to it i said while jumping back into the pool, bill started jumping up and down when mileys bra came off, tom started laughing, bill started laughing, you look like a wall he said while laughing, miley was swimming to me, i knew what she was going to do, i backed away, dont you dare, i said while holding onto my bra top she looked at me, bill started yelling, miley leave her, tom yelled, i will fucking slap you rat keep ur hands away from my girlfriend, miley was about to pull down my bra top when georg pulled her away, whats wrong with you georg said, everyone went quiet, miley started to tear up, juliettes so pretty, and shes not flat like me, im sad, i just want juliette to be made fun of, get out of here miley i never want to see you again you chubby ginger cunt georg said, tom started to laugh, i looked at tom.

All phones are the same as in 2023
My phone:

(My phone pin is 2008)

Clothes i have:
Then i got out of the pool and chased miley, miley wait i said, she stopped, this is all your fault, hey calm down, tom and bill looked at eachother, why is juliette being nice to miley even though miley was a bitch to her, gustav looked at them, because shes a kind person, gustav got a little mad, obviously shes a kind person, havent you guys payed any attention to her at all? Tom looked at gustav, why are you mad, gustav looked at tom, because you guys only see hrr as a sex symbol, tom did a serious face, how could you say that, we dont tom said while shakeing his head, when she was sleeping you guys were sexualizing her, yet when you guys were sleeping, she pulled the blankets up over you and then she kissdd tom fore head and she turned off the tv and started to clean up our mess, tom looked down, thats not fair, we were saying she looked pretty, georg looked at me and miley, gustav started to rub his brow, i dont want tom to replace juliette ever, bill looked at gustav, tom wont he loves juliette, tom nodded yes i do, gustav looked at tom fine okay, just dont hurt her, tom looked at gustav i wont he said, i hugged miley, and grabbed her hand come, she started to tear up, what if they tell me to go away, then me and u will go inside, miley sat at the edge of the pool i got back in then i went up to bill, bill hugged me juliette your very kind, i kissed bills cheek, thank you bill, bill smiled, tom came up to me, i looked at them both, you guys look so simular but so diffrent at the same time i said, tom nodded yea because bill is a tooth pick and im just amazing, thanks bill said in an annoyed tone, its because we have diffrent styles and im skinny, tom has chunks of fat on his flesh, i looked at toms abs, then to his face, he was stareing right at me, bill thoes arent chunks of fat, there abs, abdominals, i said while tilting my head back, i put my arms around toms neck, your quite tall, tom winked at me a little, tom lifted me up i wrapped my arms around him and my legs around his waist he walked over to the edge and sat down, i leaned back on him, i hate water, he looked at me, why, because when we were younger, everyone would stare at me, tom looked at me its because your so pretty, you looked cute when we were 13, i said, tom smiled, you looked pretty when we were 13, to, tom smiked at me, i rolled my eyes, yeah that wasnt good advantages, he looked at me, bill and you were my only friend, everyone never talked to me, unless they were asking me out, bill was my first friend, i remeber, when he just randomly walked up to me when we were 7 and we had sleepovers, and your nana made biscuits for us, then he introduced me to you, then you started flurting with me, then you started making pickup jokes, then i kissed you, then i kissed bill, then you masturbated to me naked, tom started to laugh i remeber that, you said we couldent have sex so you took your clothes off at told me to jerk off, and i think bill walked in, and then yelled at us, tom giggled, that was fun, im enrolling back at school, i said to tom, seriously, why would u wanna go to that crap hole again, well tom what school is there other then that, i mean of course ill have to buy a house in the area and enroll but all good, he looked at me, you can live with me, i looked at him haha ur kidding, tom looked at me, no im not im serious, okay your sure? Will your parents like it? I asked while looking at his eyes, of course my parents love you, especially my step dad, i kissed tom, i love you baby, he smiled i love you to, he looked down at my body, im lucky, i smiled, i hope the girls at ur school arent mean, he looked at me, there weird, bill came over to me, juliette can we talk, tom looked at bill, yes of course, whats up, i over heard yoy say that your moving in with me and tom and going to school with us uhm, i just dont want people telling you anything about me, or taking our friendship away, i looked at bill, nobody could ever do that, i got off tom and hugged bill, ur my bestest friend in the whole world, bill smiled, i hope no one bullys you because of me, eh ill just punch them i said, tom giggled, we went inside we better start packing, our tours at its end tom said, we got onto a plane and travled back to germany.

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