Student Profile #1 - Elaine Harwood

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Age: 14

Birthday: Mistoga 9th

Gender: Female

Blood Type: A Positive

Grade: Year 1

Homeroom Class: Class No. 7

School House: Undeclared

Laterality: Right-handed

Nationality: Incantian

Ethnicity: Incantian

Social Status: Third Vute

Faith: Ruenism

Veiled Guardian: Pegasus

Occupation: Student Sorcerer of Glyph Academy/Apprentice Potion-Maker


- Learning about magic

- Trying new things

- Reading


- Being underestimated

- Rumors and lies

- Minerva

Notable Traits:-

- Optimistic

- Selfless

- Head-strong

- Brave

- Ingenuitive

Background: Elaine was raised in the small, countryside town of Page. From an early age, she has always exhibited a strong interest and fascination in the arts of magic, eventually longing to practice it professionally someday. Throughout her younger years, she'd spend her days mostly goofing off with her siblings, that is, when she wasn't being tutored in potioncraft by her parents.

She doesn't know much beyond the borders of Page; most of the world is as mysterious as the life she had before the Harwoods adopted her. She chose to accept her offer to attend Glyph Academy not only to help take care of her family but to also discover the kind of sorcerer she is meant to be.

Magic and Spells:-

- Light Magic

Ina Lucio: A basic-level Light Magic spell. Elaine is capable of creating a tiny orb of light that hovers in the air. Is extremely useful for illuminating dark places. It could also easily be used to blind someone.

Icto Lumen (Sort of...): Elaine creates a javelin of light that can be launched at a target; it is an incredibly dangerous, advanced-level Light Magic spell. Elaine only recently discovered that she was able to cast it, although she has no recollection of actually learning the spell.

 Elaine only recently discovered that she was able to cast it, although she has no recollection of actually learning the spell

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