Age: 15
Birthday: Shileem 29th
Gender: Male
Blood Type: B Positive
Grade: Year 1
Homeroom Class: Class No. 7
School House: Undeclared
Laterality: Right-handed
Nationality: Incantian
Ethnicity: Incantian
Social Status: Third Cule
Faith: Ruenism
Veiled Guardian: Elderhorn
Occupation: Student of Glyph Academy
- Studying
- High art
- Vegetables
- Liars
- Rambunctious people
- His uncle
Notable Traits:-
- Obedient
- Responsible
- Formal
- Pragmatic
- Disciplined
Background: Simon hails from the honorable and respectable House Fringe, one of the more famous Noble Houses in the Noble Realm. As a child, he was taught the importance of dedication, more specifically, the dedication of one's family, and that lesson was one he took to heart, as he is fully committed to prioritizing his family's well-being and affairs above anything else, even his own dreams and desires.
Regardless, he is a young man with aspirations of his own; particularly, he aspires to join the ranks of the Reacher Academia, free to indulge in his curiosity regarding the mechanics of how certain concepts and theories function. For the time being, he attends Glyph Academy so that he may be given the title of Professional Sorcerer. All to appease his parents and earn their praise, of course. However, someday, he hopes to chase the dormant dream of his Essence and make it come true.
Magic and Spells:-
- Primary Magic
Iraitus: A simple combat spell Simon learned before enrolling in Glyph Academy. Simon shoots a concentrated projectile of magic out of his wand, particularly useful for hitting targets from a distance.
Voneras: A basic Primary Magic spell. Using this spell, Simon can pull an object or an organism toward him. Can be useful for grabbing ahold of something that is just out of reach.
Natium: A basic Primary Magic spell. Using this spell, Simon can push an object or an organism away from him. Can be useful for pushing an oncoming attack into a different direction or knocking back a nearby enemy.
Cutumo: A basic defensive spell. Simon creates a barrier composed of magical energy. The size of said barrier varies depending on how much Essence is used to manifest it; it can be as small as a dinner plate or as tall as a brick wall.
- Steel Magic
Chayle Ofulas: A basic-level Steel Magic spell used for long-range, offensive purposes. Simon summons multiple rods made of steel and sends them flying at his target. It's one of the first spells Simon mastered for combat.
Chayle Macerys: A basic-level Steel Magic spell mainly used for defensive purposes. Simon summons a large wall made of steel capable of both stopping oncoming attacks and deflecting them. The strength of the wall is dependent on how much Essence Simon uses to create it.
Altis Arculum: An advanced-level Steel magic spell. Using a large sum of his available Essence, Simon summons a large, four-legged mounted harpoon composed of reinforced steel composed of magic. Once fired, the harpoon can travel at incredible speeds and possesses enough power to shatter advanced defensive spells. Due to the massive amount of Essence needed to cast it, Simon uses this spell sparingly.
Radiance - The Alight Archives Book #1
FantasyA humble potion-maker with barely a token to her name. A bright, responsible daughter as well as a caring sister. A girl with big aspirations and a fiery yearning to study the mystic arts. And now she's a...sorcerer in training? After a life-alterin...