Duncan the Destroyer

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A/N: I've thought of this idea for a while now. Basically I wanted a kingdom to be guarded by a giant guard. However, this giant guard is not treated as a "human" and basically has been punished through his life to the point where he's timid and cowed despite the fact that he could defeat an army by himself. But then one of the king's daughters begins talking to him and tries to form a friendship. He desperately wants this friendship but knows it is forbidden. Kind of a sad bit of angst I guess.

Duncan the Destroyer. That was what he was called by the citizens of the coastal city of Howard's Bay. Duncan was a true giant, standing well over sixty feet with caramel colored skin, sandy, short, hair cut almost to his scalp,and blue-green eyes. He carried a spear made from a tall tree and a custom broad head as big as a door. His broad shoulders were adorned in pleated leather shoulder guards with belts that crisscrossed across his bronze, muscled chest. A thick collar studded with "crocodile" teeth-shaped stones wrapped around his neck. And this head was completely covered by a knight's helmet. He cut an extremely intimidating figure that no threatening army could ignore nor challenge.

"Sir Duncan!" the princess's sweet voice called out from behind him on the balcony.

At first Duncan was taken aback by the call. The princess had never called out to him before despite the fact that he guarded her portion of the castle every day for six months. No one save for a few of his fellow guards, his captain, and the king himself spoke to him directly. He wasn't even supposed to talk to any of the king's daughters unless they engaged the conversation. (none had until that moment)

This was the king's eldest daughter, Princess Evy. She was robustly built with lovely curves, long auburn hair, and stunning green eyes. A true beauty sought after by most princes in the other kingdoms.

The giant guard turned very slowly; helmeted head bowed low with reverence. Through the slats of his helmet, he glimpsed the princess's two female attendants acting very nervous now that she had gained his attention. They made quiet protests against her actions but she didn't seem to care.

The princess made a cajoling gesture to him, "Come over here, please."

He wasn't supposed to get close to the princess's balcony. That was also forbidden unless it was in defense of her. But...he was also supposed to follow the orders of the royal family. Not one to disobey an order the giant took a ginger step toward the princess's balcony. Just a smidge.

"Closer." She coaxed.

Another careful step. Her attendants protested but seemed to dart backward through the door when his shadow blackened the balcony. His helmeted head remained bowed.

"You can look up, Sir Duncan." She stated.

He shook his head.

She cocked her head, auburn hair spilling onto her shoulder at his silence, "You can speak...you have my permission."

At first Duncan fought the urge to speak to her. He didn't know if this was a trick or not. She could be trying to get him into trouble for her own amusement. But...he could get in more trouble if he didn't obey an order given by a member of the royal family. Either way he was trapped.

He swallowed audibly and said quietly, "F-Forgive me, Princess, but I'm just a guard. I'm not a knight."

She pointed to his towering figure, "Then why are you dressed like one?"

He thought a second, "I suppose... it makes me scarier to potential intruders, Princess."

"What kind of intruders?" she asked, leaning on the balcony railing.

"Intruders who might harm you or your family, Princess." He replied.

She shook her head with a smile, "You don't have to address me so formally each time you say something."

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