Chapter 10

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As Octavia celebrates her 20th birthday, Lumina, her wise and regal mother, takes a moment to share a profound realization with her daughter. Lumina's voice is filled with a mixture of pride and anticipation as she speaks, "Octavia, my dear, you have grown into a remarkable young woman. It's time for you to spread your wings and embark on your own journey. Did you know that you now have the opportunity to start your own faction?"

Octavia's eyes widen with a blend of excitement and uncertainty, absorbing her mother's words. The weight of the revelation settles upon her, causing her to ponder the immense possibilities that lie before her. Lumina's belief in Octavia's potential radiates from her every word, fueling Octavia's resolve to seize the opportunity that awaits her.

As Octavia processes her mother's words, her gaze turns toward Seraph, her trusted mentor and father figure. Seraph's warm smile beams with pride, reflecting his admiration for the woman Octavia has become. Yet, a flicker of hesitation crosses his eyes, as if a question lingers within his heart.

Amidst the swirling emotions, Octavia finds herself drawn to the bustling city of Cascadia. It is there that she encounters Zykule, a young man whose presence is as captivating as it is enigmatic. Zykule stands tall, towering over Octavia, with a sword so immense that it seems fit for the gods themselves.

In the moment their eyes meet, a palpable energy charges the air, hinting at the mysteries and adventures that lie ahead. Octavia's path intertwines with Zykule's, their destinies entwined by forces yet unknown. Together, they hold the potential to shape the future and navigate the challenges that await them.

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