Chapter Seven

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After mulling it over the entire weekend, I decided to give in to Sarah's advice. Today, before class I'm going to approach Rory. I split from the girls the second we arrive at the school, I will wait to tell them about my newest decision involving Rory. I'm worried I'll jinx it otherwise.

I spot Rory at her locker, struggling with her massive orange backpack and what looks to be a library's worth of books stuffed inside. 

"Hey Rory," I smile, leaning against her locker. 

"Umm, hi Alice," she mumbles, "is there something I can do to help you?"

"Actually, I was thinking I could do something to help you."

"I don't want your help with classes," she snaps, a light glare on her face.

"Good," I smile, "but that's not the help I'm offering."


"You've been here  a while now and I noticed that you don't interact with any of us."

"Gee, I wonder why." sarcasm, so she does have more personality than entitled anger.

"Consider this an olive branch," I smile, ignoring her comment that I'm sure references Tristan and Paris, "I don't have practice today, so how about coffee, we could discuss what sport you'll inevitably be forced to play here."

"If this is some joke-" she starts to say.

"No joke, only an olive branch." I turn to walk in the direction of my locker before I pause, "If you decide to take it, I'll be waiting out front after school. The coffee shop is within walking distance."

I leave before she has a chance to say no again, not wanting to humiliate myself if she chooses to do so. While putting away the books I won't need for my first class, Paris quickly pops up as a way to test my heart's ability to keep beating.

"You need a warning bell," I remark, dramatically holding my hand to my chest feigning a heart attack. 

"You're dramatic," she replies, "what did I just see?"

"I don't know, Paris. What did you see?"

"Don't do that, you know what I saw. You and Rory engaged in what look to be a friendly conversation."

I roll my eyes, "Paris, I'm just attempting to get to know her. You can keep up your academic rivalry, but I don't want to constantly fight with her. Especially since she doesn't know who I am."

"But-" she starts. 

"No, Paris. You're one of my best friends so I need you to understand this. Please?"

"Fine, but it's only because you admit we're best friends." She smiles lightly as I link our arms together to walk to our first class.

"I've never denied it."

And with that, we enter class with plenty of time to spare greeting our friend group as we take our seats. I take a quick moment while the girls are in a deep discussion about whose house we're studying at to find Rory. Once locating her, I smile with a wave before turning back to the front. There's a question on the board asking about our preferred literary periods. I immediately pull out my notebook, looking to see that the girls have noticed the question and have also begun working on the task. 


The final bell rings and I make my way to my locker to deposit the textbooks I won't be needing tonight. Just as I'm about to leave through the front doors, Maddie and Louise latch onto both of my arms. 

"Hello girls."

"Alice," Louise starts,"you need to remember that you love us."

"For now," I laugh, "what do you want, girls?"

"An editor." 

"I need more information than that." I was not about to step on Paris' toes when it came to the Franklin. 

"We have a killer lab report due for Biology," Louise begins.

Maddie chimes in from my left, "And you happen to be our incredibly smart science friend."

"So you need me to edit your lab reports?"

"Please," they both plead with doe eyes and pouted lips.

I sigh, opening my bag to make room for the two lab reports. "When do you need the edits by?"

"Friday," Louise says, passing her report to me, "it's due next Wednesday so it gives us time to put your edits to use."

After getting Maddie's report, they respond with a simple thanks and the promise to make it up to me. At this point, it's been several minutes since I was meant to meet Rory out front. I quickly shut my bag before heading out the front door, spotting Rory on the bench scanning the parking lot. 

I quickly head in her direction, readjusting my bag on my shoulder I interrupt her scanning, "Ready to go?"

She looks up, slightly spooked before picking up her large orange backpack. "Let's go."

We make our way across the parking lot, and I'm not quick to miss the questioning looks from my group of friends standing around Paris' car. I glance at Rory and see she also did not miss the looks.

"They didn't know about this," she questions, "did they?"

"Paris did," I answer honestly, "it's completely fine."

From that point we walk in silence heading to the cafe I mentioned to her this morning. Stepping in feels like a hug that you weren't aware you needed. It smells like cinnamon and is lit by stringed lights on the ceiling. 

"Well hello, stranger." Kay, the owner, greets as we approach the counter, "your usual today?"

I nod with a bright smile, "And whatever Rory would like, please Miss Kay." 

This comment brings Kay's attention to Rory standing shyly by my side, who is glancing into the pastry cabinet next to the register.

"Oh, I'm sorry." She stutters lightly once the attention is on her, "can I get a medium black coffee and a cherry danish, please?"

Kay inputs the total and I quickly hand over my card before Rory can object. She gets started on our order as I guide Rory to the couch situated in front of an unlit fireplace.

"You didn't have to do that. I could have paid for myself," Rory grumbles as she sits down.

"It just means you'll get drinks for us next time we meet up," I smile, this definitely could be the start of a great friendship.


"So, tell me everything," I start, angling my body to face hers.

"I wouldn't know where to start."

"Let's start with your town," I suggest, not wanting to approach the family topic, "because you are not from Hartford."

And with that we spend the next several hours bouncing around different topics, ranging from the current bands she's listening to and her best friend, Lane, to the topic of what she aspires to do and the college she's leaning towards. She briefly mentions her mother, but  I jumped away from that topic when she turned her interest into my family.

A.N.// I am so sorry this hiatus happened. I ended up quitting retail and instead got an office job. As well as celebrating my birthday in July. It's been hectic. I promise to post more often, weekly to bi-weekly. I've got another 2-3 chapters in the works now that I'm hoping to post by the middle of next week. Thank you for the patience!

Having to republish this because the edits didn't save when I hit publish. My bad dudes.

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