Chapter II

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 Walking through Seraphia, I see so many different types of people, but something stands out. While there are what look to be elves and humans walking through the streets, there are also some that look like cat and dog people. Those are the ones that catch my eye. Almost all of them have a metal collar around their neck or chains on their arms and legs. They mostly are just doing labor, moving crates, or carrying people's belongings. It doesn't seem right but until I know more about the culture here, it's not worth getting involved.

As I continue through the markets, I notice that the written language here is nothing I've ever seen before. I can understand the speech perfectly fine but the writing just doesn't make sense. I continue walking hoping to see something that would signify food. Lost in my thoughts about what Elijah said, I walk straight into someone causing me to stumble back and them to fall. I look to see a woman with the features of some of the people in chains earlier. She has cat ears and a tail.

She looks up at me scared, then stands up.

"Sorry, I don't really know where I'm going. I'm looking for somewhere to eat."

She looks confused as I say sorry. "Haven't been here before? No problem. I'm Kaori." She extends her arm. "I was just heading to the pub. Follow me."

I take her hand. "That would be great, thanks."

She leads me to an alley and I hesitate.

"You coming or not? Is one of our pubs not good enough for you?"

"Sorry if I'm hesitant to follow someone I just met into an alley."

"Maybe I was wrong about you. You're just like the rest."

I look at her, confused about what she said, as she enters a door down the alley. I think about it for a minute and decide to see where she tried to take me. What do I have to lose anyway? When I open the door she went through, it's a small room with a few tables and a bar. It's full of people with cat or dog features, and a few with fox features. The room goes silent and they all stare at me, almost glaring.

Kaori speaks up. "Don't worry about him. He's with me." Everyone goes back to their conversations.

When I get to Kaori at the bar, I ask her "What was that about?"

"Don't act stupid. A human coming into a demi-human pub is usually trouble. If you were an elf or a nymph it would've been a little different but most humans only come in these pubs to start a fight."

"Not acting. I'm not from here."

"Doesn't matter where you're from. In our eyes, you're all the same."

"Look, I don't know what you've been through, but I don't care. I do wanna know what your issue is with humans though."

She looks at me and laughs. "You really don't know? Either that or you're just oblivious. Most of us, the nekojin, inugami, and kitsune, are slaves. The ones in this room, are some of the few free from that life. It doesn't change the fact that we are still outcasts, the humans look down on us."

I look at her, shocked. "I'm sorry. I really didn't know."

She looks back at me. "I can tell. Makes sense why you apologized for knocking me over before. Doesn't matter though. I didn't get your name."

"William. So, if you're free, why don't you just leave? Go somewhere that doesn't have this kind of treatment?"

"Nothing would change. The Demis would still be enslaved." She takes a sip of her drink. "Enough about this. Who are you really?" She looks me in the eyes.

"Like I said, I'm William. That's all you're getting, so don't bother trying." I look at the kitsune woman behind the counter. "Can I get something to eat? Doesn't matter what. I haven't eaten all day."

She looks at me and nods. "Coming right up."

Kaori stares at me, a look in her eyes that shows she isn't going to give up.

I ask her "What do you wanna know?"

"Where are you from?"

"Trust me, not worth knowing."

"Do you have a family?"

"Yes. Not getting into that though."

"Why are you just avoiding the questions?"

"I'm answering, just not getting into any detail."

"But why? You have to understand that a human who doesn't look down on us is not normal. I just want to know why."

"Look, I don't look down on anyone. If you respect me, I'll respect you. That's just how I was raised." The kitsune woman brings my food. "Thank you." I look back at Kaori. "If that's all, I'd like to eat in peace."

"Just one more question?"

"No. Just let me eat in-" A loud bang comes from outside and I tackle her to the ground for cover. Everyone gets up and heads to the door to see what happened. Kaori is stuck underneath me. My fist is clenched next to her head, and my arm is shaking.

"William?" She puts her arms around me. "Relax. Everything is fine."

I feel her arms. "Amelia?" I open my eyes to see a confused Kaori. I back off of her. "I'm sorry." I get back in my chair and start to eat my food.

She gets up and just stares at me, confused, and concerned. "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine. Just forget about it."

"Who's Amelia?"

I stare down at my plate. "My wife." I do everything I can to block my emotions.

"I understand if you don't want to talk about it, but I'm here if you do." She puts her hand on my shoulder.

"You don't wanna know. Even if I told you, you wouldn't believe it."

"Try me."

I turn around to see her staring at me, concern in her eyes. "I don't want to talk about my past yet, but I will tell you who I am, and where I'm from."

Aetheria's Enigma: The Lost TravelerWhere stories live. Discover now