Chapter X

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The next morning was spent gathering our things. Cheryl told us to meet her at the main gate of the city. Carrying our bags through the city reminds me of the marches back in the early days of my service. I used to get wrung out by my sergeant for carrying others' bags. Those were the good memories.

"Why the hell are you carrying someone else's gear?" He gets in my face

"He was close to passing out from exhaustion Sergeant."

"Then he can take a drink of water and keep going like the rest of us." He takes the man's bag from me and throws it back at him. "Drink and keep moving."

"Sergeant, with all due respect, he's at his limit. I don't mind carrying his bag so he can recover."

"Did I ask what you mind?"

"Did I ask what you think?"

"One more word out of you and you'll be on the ground until the sun goes down."

"When I see one of my allies struggling, I'm going to help."

"ON THE GROUND! EVERYONE!" He looks me in the eyes. "You think you can disrespect me? Now all your 'allies' can join you."

Everyone gets on the ground in a plank position.

"For every one that falls I add an hour to the time. And if loud mouth falls I add three hours."

I don't know how long I've been lost in thought, but we can see the gate. As we approach, I see guards with swords drawn on a single man standing just outside the city. I drop my bag. "Kaori, Stay here."

She just stares at the man, frozen.

"I'll be right back."

She grabs my arm. "No. It's not worth it. Let's go back." She begins to back away.

"I'm not going to fight. I promise."

She lets go of me and runs away.


One of the guards hears me and walks over. "Would you like me to go after her?"

"Yes. Thank you."

He nods and follows her.

I walk towards the gate and hear Cheryll talking to the man. "Leave at once. You have no business in my city."

"My business is not with you. I'm not here to cause trouble."

"You are not welcome here."

"I'm only here to confirm a suspicion one of my friends has."

"And what would that be?"

He locks eyes with me through the guards. "That the Enigma has returned." He looks back to Cheryll. "Just let me talk to the man."

"I don't know what you're talking about. If the Enigma had returned I would be able to sense it. There are two Light masters in this city. Neither of us can sense any abnormal magic."

He looks back at me. "You. Come here. Draw your blade."

Cheryll looks back at me and shakes her head.

An Inugami appears behind her and pushes her towards him. He grabs her by the throat. "I may not be armed but everyone knows I am dangerous. Clear a path for him."

The guards move out of the way. I lock eyes with the man. "Let her go."

"Come here and draw your blade." He tightens his grip. "Or I will kill her."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05 ⏰

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